Index to all GPScript runtime library functions as of 10:57AM on September 10, 2024

Note: if the above date is newer than the last release date, some of these functions may not yet available in your current version.
Functions displayed in red have been deprecated.

The GP Script Language Reference manual can be found here.

Function list by category


AbletonLink_Enable    AbletonLink_Enabled   


ClearSongPartSnapshot    CloseAllPluginWindows   


InPanelView    InSetlistView    InWiringView   


Previous    PushSnapshotToVariation   

SaveGigfile    ScrollFrontPanel    ScrollRackspaces    ScrollSetlist    ShowGlobalRackspace    ShowRigManager    SwitchToPanelView    SwitchToSetlistView    SwitchToWiringView   

TakeSongPartSnapshot    ToggleTunerVisible   


AppendBoolean    AppendDouble    AppendInteger    AppendString   



LargestDouble    LargestInt   

RemoveLast    Reverse   

Size    SmallestDouble    SmallestInt    Sort   

iMax    iMin   


AudioMixer_GetChannelStripName    AudioMixer_GetNumberOfChannelStrips    AudioMixer_SetChannelStripName   


ChordPro_GoToFractionOfPage    ChordPro_GotoLine    ChordPro_GotoMarker    ChordPro_GotoSongPart   


EA_AddArgument    EA_ClearAllArgs    EA_SetProgramName    EA_Start    EA_Stop   



GetADSRAttackLevel    GetADSRAttackTime    GetADSRDecayTime    GetADSRReleaseTime    GetADSRSustainLevel    GetGeneraterAmplitude    GetGeneratorAmplitude    GetTimersRunning   

InitADSR    IsGeneratorEnabled   

SetADSRAttackLevel    SetADSRAttackTime    SetADSRDecayTime    SetADSRReleaseTime    SetADSRSustainLevel    SetGeneratorCoarseness    SetGeneratorFrequency    SetGeneratorLength    SetGeneratorOneShot    SetTimersRunning    StartAttackPhase    StartReleasePhase    StopOneShotRamp   






AllNotesOff    AllNotesOff   


GetAfterTouchValue    GetByte    GetCCNumber    GetCCValue    GetChannel    GetMidiInDeviceCount    GetMidiInDeviceFromRigManager    GetMidiInDeviceName    GetMidiMessageSize    GetMidiOutDeviceCount    GetMidiOutDeviceName    GetNoteNumber    GetPitchBendValue    GetPolyTouchNoteNumber    GetPolyTouchNotePressure    GetProgramChangeNumber    GetReleaseVelocity    GetVelocity   

InjectMidiEvent    InjectMidiEventViaRigManager    InjectSysexEvent    InjectSysexEventViaRigManager    IsAfterTouch    IsController    IsNote    IsNoteOff    IsNoteOn    IsPitchBend    IsPolyTouch    IsProgramChange   

MakeAfterTouchMessage    MakeAfterTouchMessageEx    MakeControlChangeMessage    MakeControlChangeMessageEx    MakeMidiMessage    MakeMidiMessage1    MakeMidiMessage2    MakeMidiMessage3    MakeNoteMessage    MakeNoteMessageEx    MakePitchBendMessage    MakePitchBendMessageEx    MakePolyTouchMessage    MakePolyTouchMessageEx    MakeProgramChangeMessage    MakeProgramChangeMessageEx    MidiInDeviceExists    MidiOutDeviceExists   

ReinterpretAsAfterTouch    ReinterpretAsControllerMessage    ReinterpretAsNoteOffMessage    ReinterpretAsNoteOnMessage    ReinterpretAsPitchBend    ReinterpretAsPolyTouchMessage    ReinterpretAsProgramChange   

SendNow    SendNowToMidiOutDevice   


WithCCNumber    WithCCValue    WithChannel    WithNoteNumber    WithNoteNumberAndVelocity    WithProgramChangeNumber    WithTranspose    WithVelocity   


ACos    ASin    ATan    Abs   

CC_LoadFromFile    CC_SaveToFile    CC_Scale    Ceiling    Cos   





LinearToDecibel    Ln    Log   

Max    MidiToParam    MidiToParamEx    Min   

ParamToMidi    ParamToMidiEx    Power   

Random    RandomRange    Round   

Scale    ScaleInt    ScaleRange    ScaleRangeEx    Sign    Sin    Sqrt   

Tan    ThresholdDetector_Detect    ThresholdDetector_Setup   


MultiChannelNoteTracker_Clear    MultiChannelNoteTracker_GetHeldNotes    MultiChannelNoteTracker_GetSpecificNoteOnCount    MultiChannelNoteTracker_GotMidiMessage    MultiChannelNoteTracker_GotNote    MultiChannelNoteTracker_GotNoteOff    MultiChannelNoteTracker_GotNoteOn    MultiChannelNoteTracker_IsNoteOffPending    MultiChannelNoteTracker_NoteOnCount    MultiChannelNoteTracker_StopAllPendingNotes    MultiChannelNoteTracker_StopAllPendingNotes   


AddChordInterval    AutoSustainer_GetHeldNotes    AutoSustainer_Play    AutoSustainer_RespectParameters    AutoSustainer_SetTarget    AutoSustainer_Stop   


NoteMapper_CreateScale    NoteMapper_GetMappedNotes    NoteMapper_MapNote    NoteMapper_MapNoteToChord    NoteMapper_MapNotes    NoteMapper_Reset   




GotNote    GotNoteOff    GotNoteOn   

NoteOnCount    NoteTracker_Clear    NoteTracker_GetHeldNotes    NoteTracker_GetSpecificNoteOnCount    NoteTracker_GotNote    NoteTracker_GotNoteOff    NoteTracker_GotNoteOn    NoteTracker_IsNoteOffPending    NoteTracker_NoteOnCount    NoteTracker_StopAllPendingNotes    NoteTracker_StopAllPendingNotes   

StopAllPendingNotes    StopAllPendingNotes   


OSC_AppendDoubleArg    OSC_AppendIntArg    OSC_AppendStringArg    OSC_ArgCount    OSC_ClearArgs    OSC_Enabled    OSC_GetArgAsDouble    OSC_GetArgAsInteger    OSC_GetArgAsString    OSC_GetGPListeningPort    OSC_GetIPAddressFromTargetName    OSC_GetPortNumberFromTargetName    OSC_GetTargetNames    OSC_Send    OSC_SendCommand    OSC_SendCommandSpecific    OSC_SendDouble    OSC_SendDoubleSpecific    OSC_SendInteger    OSC_SendIntegerSpecific    OSC_SendSpecific    OSC_SendString    OSC_SendStringSpecific    OSC_SetAddress    OSC_TargetNameExists   



GetActivePreset    GetGPPresetList    GetGPPresetListCount    GetMaxNoteFromMidiInBlock    GetMinNoteFromMidiInBlock    GetParameter    GetParameterCount    GetParameterName    GetParameterText    GetPluginCaption    GetPluginInfo    GetPresetCount    GetPresetName    GetTransposeFromMidiInBlock    GetVelocityCurveValue   




PromptToLoadGPUserPreset    PromptToSaveGPUserPreset   

RefreshWidgetsMappedToPlugin    ReplacePlugin   

SaveGPPreset    SelectPreset    SetParameter    SetPluginBypassed    SetPluginCaption    SetPluginEditorXYPosition   


GetCurrentProgramChangeOrBankNumber    GetCurrentRackspaceIndex    GetCurrentVariation    GetRackspaceBPM    GetRackspaceCount    GetRackspaceIndex    GetRackspaceName    GetRackspaceNameAtIndex    GetVariationCount    GetVariationCountForRackspaceAtIndex    GetVariationName    GetVariationNameForRackspaceAtIndex   

NextRackspace    NextVariation   

PreviousRackspace    PreviousVariation   

SetVariation    SetVariationByName    SwitchToNextRack    SwitchToNextVariation    SwitchToPreset    SwitchToPrevRack    SwitchToPrevVariation    SwitchToRack    SwitchToRackspace    SwitchToRackspaceAndVariationByNames    SwitchToRackspaceByName   




GetContinuousPreviousValue    GetDiscreteParameterItem    GetDiscreteParameterItemCount    GetDiscretePreviousValue    GetIndexOfDiscreteParameterItem    GetIndexOfSubrangeParameterItem    GetParameterCount    GetParameterName    GetSubrangeParameterItem    GetSubrangeParameterItemCount    GetSubrangePreviousValue    GetUserVariable   


PlayNote    PlayNotes   

SendLater    SendNotesNow    SendNow    SendSysexNow    SetDisplayMessage    SetInfoMessage   


MidiSequence_CollectEventsNow    MidiSequence_EndOfSong    MidiSequence_FingerTap    MidiSequence_FollowGlobalTranspose    MidiSequence_GetCurrentBar    MidiSequence_GetCurrentBeat    MidiSequence_GetCurrentEvents    MidiSequence_GetCurrentTick    MidiSequence_GetResolution    MidiSequence_GetSongLength    MidiSequence_GetTrackCount    MidiSequence_LoadMidiFile    MidiSequence_LoadStandardMidiFile    MidiSequence_MapOutputChannel    MidiSequence_Quantize    MidiSequence_ResetToStart    MidiSequence_ScriptletFingerTap   


GetChordProFileName    GetCurrentSetlistIndex    GetCurrentSetlistName    GetCurrentSongIndex    GetCurrentSongName    GetCurrentSongPart    GetCurrentSongPartIndex    GetCurrentSongPartName    GetSetlistCount    GetSetlistName    GetSongArtistName    GetSongBPM    GetSongCount    GetSongIndex    GetSongKeySignature    GetSongName    GetSongPartCount    GetSongPartName    GetSongPartTimeSigDenominator    GetSongPartTimeSigNumerator    GetSongTimeSigDenominator    GetSongTimeSigNumerator    GetSongTranspose   




SetArtistName    SetSongInformation    SetSongName    SetSongPart    SetSongPartName    SongMoveDown    SongMoveUp    SongNextPart    SongPrevPart    SwitchToSetlistByIndex    SwitchToSetlistByName    SwitchToSongByIndex   


AudioStreamer_GetCurrentTrackNumber    AudioStreamer_GetMarkerCount    AudioStreamer_GetMarkerName    AudioStreamer_GetTrackCount    AudioStreamer_GetTrackName    AudioStreamer_GoToMarkerNumber    AudioStreamer_SwitchToTrack    AudioStreamer_getIndexOfFirstTrackStartingWithName   






GetEnvVariable    GigPerformerDocumentsFolder   

IndexOfSubstring    IntTo7BitHexString    IntToHex    IntToHexString    IntToString   

Length    LoadStringFromTextFile   


NoteNameToNoteNumber    NoteNumberToNoteName   


ReplaceString    ReplaceStringSection   

SaveStringToTextFile    SetEnvVariable    StringAfterFirstOccurence    StringAfterFirstOccurrence    StringAfterLastOccurence    StringAfterLastOccurrence    StringToBool    StringToDouble    StringToHex    StringToHexString    StringToInt    StringUpToFirstOccurence    StringUpToFirstOccurrence    StringUpToLastOccurence    StringUpToLastOccurrence   

TimeStringToDouble    ToLowercase    ToUppercase    TrimString   


SM_ChangeValue    SM_CreateSysex    SM_CreateSysexFromString    SM_GetByte    SM_GetValue    SM_GetValues    SM_Length    SM_Pretty    SM_SendMidiIn    SM_SendMidiOut    SM_SendMidiOutNow    SendSysexExternal    SendSysexInternal    SendSysexInternalLater    SendSysexInternalNow    SendSysexNowToMidiOutDevice   



ClearLogWindow    ClockTime    CloseLogWindow    CloseScriptWindow   


EnableMetronome    EnablePlayhead   


GetBPM    GetGlobalTranspose    GetMetronomeVolume    GetTimeSigDenominator    GetTimeSigNumerator   

InEditMode    InTunerView    IsGigLoading    IsMetronomeEnabled    IsPlayheadEnabled    IsRecording   



OpenLogWindow    OpenScriptWindow   

Panic    PlayNote    PlayNotes    Print   


ScheduleMidiEvent    SendLater    SendNoteMessageWithTranspositionsLater    SendNoteMessageWithTranspositionsNow    SendNoteMessagesLater    SendNoteMessagesNow    SendNowExternal    SendNowRespectingParameters    SetBPM    SetGlobalTranspose    SetMetronomeVolume    SetTimeSignatureDenominator    SetTimeSignatureNumerator    SetWindowTitle    Shell    ShellEx    ShiftKeyDown    ShowChordProWindow    Sleep    StartRecording    StopRecording    SwitchToProgramNumber    SwitchToProgramNumberEx   

Tap    TestSomething    TimeNow    TimeSinceStartup   


BindExternalWidget    BindWidget   

GetExternalWidgetHideState    GetExternalWidgetLabel    GetExternalWidgetValue    GetLabelColor    GetWidgetBounds    GetWidgetCurveValue    GetWidgetFillColor    GetWidgetHideState    GetWidgetLabel    GetWidgetMappedParameterValue    GetWidgetOutlineColor    GetWidgetOutlineRoundness    GetWidgetOutlineThickness    GetWidgetPluginMappedParameterNumber    GetWidgetPreviousValue    GetWidgetResetValue    GetWidgetScriptName    GetWidgetValue   


RedrawWidgetCurve    ResetWidgetValue    ResyncWidget   

SendWidgetToBack    SendWidgetToFront    SetExternalWidgetHideOnPresentation    SetExternalWidgetLabel    SetExternalWidgetValue    SetExternalWidgetValueEx    SetLabelColor    SetWidgetBounds    SetWidgetBoundsFromOtherWidget    SetWidgetCurveValue    SetWidgetFillColor    SetWidgetHideOnPresentation    SetWidgetLabel    SetWidgetOutlineColor    SetWidgetOutlineRoundness    SetWidgetOutlineThickness    SetWidgetResetValue    SetWidgetValue    SetWidgetValueEx   


GPWindowToBack    GPWindowToFront    GPWindowVisible    GetGPWindowKioskMode    GetGPWindowState    GetGPWindowVisible   


SetGPWindowFullScreen    SetGPWindowKioskMode    SetGPWindowState   





QuickInsertPlugin    QuickReplaceSelectedPlugin   

RemoveSelectedPlugin    RenameSelectedPlugin   


List of GPScript built-in functions

ACos : Returns the inverse cos of x

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ASin : Returns the inverse sin of x

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ATan : Returns the inverse tan of x

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AbletonLink_Enable : Enable or disable Ableton Link

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AbletonLink_Enabled : Returns whether Ableton Link is enabled

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Abs : Returns the absolute value of x

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AddChordInterval : Add a user defined chord interval to the chord dictionary

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AllNotesOff : Send All Notes Off and reset controllers

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AllNotesOff : Send All Notes Off and reset controllers

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AltKeyDown : See if alt key is down

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AppendBoolean : Append the boolean to the end of the array if there is room otherwise fail silently

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AppendDouble : Append the double to the end of the array if there is room otherwise fail silently

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AppendInteger : Append the integer to the end of the array if there is room otherwise fail silently

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AppendString : Append the string to the end of the array if there is room otherwise fail silently

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AudioMixer_GetChannelStripName : Returns the name of the channel strip at the given number - zero indexd

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AudioMixer_GetNumberOfChannelStrips : Returns the number of channels in an audio mixer block

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AudioMixer_SetChannelStripName : Set the name of the channel strip at the given number - zero indexd

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AudioStreamer_GetCurrentTrackNumber : Returns the index number of the currently selected track - returns -1 if no track selected - Experimental

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AudioStreamer_GetMarkerCount : Returns the number of markers for the specified track number - Experimental

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AudioStreamer_GetMarkerName : Returns the name of a specific marker in the specified track number - Experimental

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AudioStreamer_GetTrackCount : Returns the number of tracks in the streamer - Experimental

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AudioStreamer_GetTrackName : Returns the name of the track if it exists - Experimental

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AudioStreamer_GoToMarkerNumber : Go to the specific marker in the current track - Experimental

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AudioStreamer_SwitchToTrack : Switch to a tracknumber if it exists otherwise ignore

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AudioStreamer_getIndexOfFirstTrackStartingWithName : Returns the track index for the given name - -1 if not found

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AutoSustainer_GetHeldNotes : returns all currently held down notes as an integer array without velocities

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AutoSustainer_Play : Play and sustain an incoming note message through the AutoSustainer

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AutoSustainer_RespectParameters : Indicate whether notes should respect MidiInBlock parameters

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AutoSustainer_SetTarget : Specify the MidiInBlock to use for sending out notes using this AutoSustainer object

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AutoSustainer_Stop : Stop all pending notes

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BetweenNotes : Returns true if the MIDI Note message is between the lower and higher values exclusive

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BindExternalWidget : Access a widget in another rackspace - boolean return value indicates whether widget was found - experimental

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BindWidget : Access a widget in the rackspace containing this scriptlet - boolean return value indicates whether widget was found - experimental

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BoolToString : Returns a string representation of a boolean value

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BroadcastPluginParameters : Send out the current value of every parameter in the scriptlet

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CC_LoadFromFile : Load a curve that was created with a Curve Component

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CC_SaveToFile : Save a possibly changed curve to file

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CC_Scale : Return the Y value for the inputted x value

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Ceiling : Rounds x upward returning the smallest integral value that is not less than x

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ChangeSelectedPluginBusLayout : Show the bus layout of the selected plugin - if any

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ChordPro_GoToFractionOfPage : Set the top of the Chord Pro window to some fraction of the total page

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ChordPro_GotoLine : Set the top of the Chord Pro window to the given line number

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ChordPro_GotoMarker : Set the top of the Chord Pro window to the given marker name

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ChordPro_GotoSongPart : Set the top of the Chord Pro window to the given songpart

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ClearArray : Resets the array size to 0

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ClearLogWindow : Clear the log window - duh!

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ClearNoteTracker : Reinitializes the note tracker although it is generally not necessary

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ClearSongPartSnapshot : Remove the current snapshot when in setlist mode - fails silently if not in setlist mode

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ClockTime : Gets the current time in milliseconds

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CloseAllPluginWindows : Close all plugins associated with this rackspace or optionally with all rackspaces - in the GigScript the allRackspaces argument MUST be true

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CloseLogWindow : Close the log window - duh!

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ClosePlugin : Close the plugin editor

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CloseScriptWindow : Close the script editor window - if open - for the current rackspace

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ColorToRGB : Convert a color back to R G B A values each between 0.0 and 1.0

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CopySubstring : Return the section of the source string based on the start index and desired length

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Cos : Returns the cos of x

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DecibelToLinear : Convert db value to its linear equivalent

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DisplayTemporaryMessage : Displays the string at the top of the main window

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DoubleToString : Converts a double to a string with the specified number of places

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DuplicateSelectedPlugin : Duplicates the selected plugin - if any

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EA_AddArgument : Add an argument to an external application manager

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EA_ClearAllArgs : Clear the list of arguments so you can start again

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EA_SetProgramName : Set the name of the program to be run

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EA_Start : Open or run the external application

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EA_Stop : Close or terminate the external application - not guaranteed to work

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EnableGenerator : Enables or disables any generator (LFO, ramp, squarewave, ADSR, etc)

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EnableMetronome : Turn the metronome on or off

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EnablePlayhead : Start or stop the global playhead

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Exp : Returns e to the power of x

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FileExists : Check if a file exists - experimental and unsupported - this could easily blow up Gig Performer or overwrite - returns whether saved

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FindChordName : Given a note tracker with pending notes - get the string name of the chord

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Floor : Rounds x downward returning the largest integral value that is not greater than x

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FormatTime : Returns a formatted timestamp from a given time in milliseconds

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GPWindowToBack : Put this GP main window behind other windows

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GPWindowToFront : Bring this GP window to the front

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GPWindowVisible : Show or hide GP window

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GetADSRAttackLevel : Get the maximum volume level of the attack phase of an ADSR

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GetADSRAttackTime : Get the time in milliseconds of the attack phase of an ADSR

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GetADSRDecayTime : Get the time in milliseconds of the decay phase of an ADSR

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GetADSRReleaseTime : Get the time in milliseconds of the total release time of an ADSR

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GetADSRSustainLevel : Get the level of the sustain phase of an ADSR

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GetActivePreset : Get the index of the current preset in the plugin block

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GetAfterTouchValue : Returns the current aftertouch value of an Aftertouch MIDI message

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GetBPM : Returns the current global BPM value

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GetByte : Returns one of the byte values of a MIDI message. The byteNumber must be within the range 0..2

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GetCCNumber : Returns the Controller Number of a ControlChange MIDI message

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GetCCValue : Returns the Controller value of a ControlChange MIDI message

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GetChannel : Returns the MIDI channel number (between 1 and 16) of any MIDI message

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GetChordProFileName : Get the name of the associated chordpro file at the given index

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GetContinuousPreviousValue : Get the previous value of this parameter

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GetCurrentProgramChangeOrBankNumber : Returns the PC MSB or LSB of the current varation or song part defined by itemNumber 0 1 2 respectively

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GetCurrentRackspaceIndex : Returns the index of the current rackspace

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GetCurrentSetlistIndex : Get the index of the currently active setlist - returns -1 if not in setlist mode

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GetCurrentSetlistName : Get the name of the current setlist

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GetCurrentSongIndex : Get the index of the current song - negative 1 if it does not exist

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GetCurrentSongName : Get the name of the current song

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GetCurrentSongPart : Get the index of the current song part

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GetCurrentSongPartIndex : Get the index of the current song part - negative 1 if it does not exist

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GetCurrentSongPartName : Get the name of the current song part

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GetCurrentVariation : Returns the index of the current variation

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GetDiscreteParameterItem : Returns the string item at the given offset for this parameter

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GetDiscreteParameterItemCount : Returns the number of strings defined for this parameter

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GetDiscretePreviousValue : Get the previous value of this parameter

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GetEnvVariable : Return the value of an environment variable

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GetExternalWidgetHideState : Get the current hide state of an external widget

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GetExternalWidgetLabel : Get the current label of an external widget

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GetExternalWidgetValue : Get the current value of an external widget

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GetGPPresetList : Get the Nth chunk of GP Preset names

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GetGPPresetListCount : Returns the number of GP Presets for this plugin

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GetGPWindowKioskMode : Get whether Gig Performer is in kiosk mode

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GetGPWindowState : Get the current state of the main window

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GetGPWindowVisible : See if main window is visible

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GetGeneraterAmplitude : Deprecated - Get the current value of a generator

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GetGeneratorAmplitude : Get the current value of a generator

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GetGlobalTranspose : Get the current transpose value

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GetIndexOfDiscreteParameterItem : Find the index of a discrete item and returns -1 if the item is not found

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GetIndexOfSubrangeParameterItem : Find the index of a subrange item and returns -1 if the item is not found

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GetLabelColor : Get the color of the widget label

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GetMaxNoteFromMidiInBlock : Gets the max note number defined for the keyboard split

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GetMetronomeVolume : Get the metronome volume

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GetMidiInDeviceCount : Returns the number of available MIDI In Devices

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GetMidiInDeviceFromRigManager : Find the name of a physical MidiIn device given its RigManager name

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GetMidiInDeviceName : Returns the name of the MIDI In Device at the specified index

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GetMidiMessageSize : Returns the number of bytes in any MIDI Message

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GetMidiOutDeviceCount : Returns the number of available MIDI Out Devices

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GetMidiOutDeviceName : Returns the name of the MIDI Out Device at the specified index

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GetMinNoteFromMidiInBlock : Gets the min note number defined for the keyboard split

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GetNoteNumber : Returns the note number of a NoteMessage MIDI event

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GetParameter : Gets the current parameter value associated with a parameter index of the plugin block. The value will be between 0.0 and 1.0

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GetParameterCount : Gets the number of parameters in the plugin block

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GetParameterCount : Get the number of parameters

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GetParameterName : Gets the name for the parameter index of the plugin block if available.

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GetParameterName : Returns the name of the parameter - preferring the alias if defined

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GetParameterText : Gets the value as text of the given parameter index of the plugin block if available.

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GetPitchBendValue : Returns the pitch bend value from a PitchBend MIDI message

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GetPluginCaption : Gets the caption displayed in the plugin block

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GetPluginInfo : Get information about the actual plugin --- 0=name - 1=manufacturer

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GetPolyTouchNoteNumber : Returns the note number of a PolyTouch MIDI event

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GetPolyTouchNotePressure : Returns the poly pressure value of a PolyTouch MIDI event

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GetPresetCount : Get the number of available presets in the plugin block

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GetPresetName : Get the name of the preset at the given index of the plugin block

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GetProgramChangeNumber : Returns the program change number of a ProgramChangeMessage MIDI event

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GetRackspaceBPM : Gets the BPM value associated with this rackspace

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GetRackspaceCount : Returns the number of rackspaces in the system

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GetRackspaceIndex : Returns the name of the rackspace at the given index. Returns -1 if rackspace does not exist

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GetRackspaceName : Returns the name of the active rackspace

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GetRackspaceNameAtIndex : Returns the name of the rackspace at the given index

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GetReleaseVelocity : Returns the release velocity of a NoteOffEvent MIDI message. You need to make sure that the message is in fact a NoteOff or the result will always be 0

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GetSetlistCount : Returns the number of setlists

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GetSetlistName : Get the name of the setlist at the given index

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GetSongArtistName : Get the artist name of the song at the given index

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GetSongBPM : Get the BPM of the song at the given index

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GetSongCount : Returns the number of songs in the current setlist

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GetSongIndex : Get the index of the song for the given name - negative 1 if it does not exist

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GetSongKeySignature : Get the key signature of the song at the given index

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GetSongName : Get the name of the song at the given index

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GetSongPartCount : Returns the number of parts in the current song

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GetSongPartName : Get the name of the song part at the given index

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GetSongPartTimeSigDenominator : Get the denominator of the time signature of the songpart at the given indices

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GetSongPartTimeSigNumerator : Get the numerator of the time signature of the songpart at the given indices

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GetSongTimeSigDenominator : Get the denominator of the time signature of the song at the given index

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GetSongTimeSigNumerator : Get the numerator of the time signature of the song at the given index

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GetSongTranspose : Get the transpose amount of the song at the given index

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GetSubrangeParameterItem : Returns the integer item at the given offset for this parameter

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GetSubrangeParameterItemCount : Returns the number of integer values defined for this parameter

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GetSubrangePreviousValue : Get the previous value of this parameter

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GetTimeSigDenominator : Get the denominator of the global time signature

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GetTimeSigNumerator : Get the numerator of the globaltime signature

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GetTimersRunning : Indicates whether global timers are running or stopped

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GetTransposeFromMidiInBlock : Gets the max note number defined for the keyboard split

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GetUserVariable : Get the value of a user defined variable

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GetVariationCount : Returns the number of variations in the current rackspace

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GetVariationCountForRackspaceAtIndex : Returns the number of variations in a specified rackspace

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GetVariationName : Returns the name of a variation

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GetVariationNameForRackspaceAtIndex : Returns the name of a variation in a specified rackspace

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GetVelocity : Returns the velocity of a NoteEvent MIDI message. The value will be between 0 and 127

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GetVelocityCurveValue : Returns the velocity after applying the scale curve to it

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GetWidgetBounds : Fill the first four fields of the bounds array with the widget position and size on a panel

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GetWidgetCurveValue : For some value x - returns the y value of a widget after applying the scale curve to it

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GetWidgetFillColor : Get the fill color for widgets that support this feature

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GetWidgetHideState : Possibly returns the hide state of a widget - not guaranteed to be correct!

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GetWidgetLabel : Get the label of a widget

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GetWidgetMappedParameterValue : Get the current parameter text of the parameter number of plugin associated with this widget if available

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GetWidgetOutlineColor : Get the outline color for widgets that support this feature

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GetWidgetOutlineRoundness : Get the outline roundness for widgets that support this feature

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GetWidgetOutlineThickness : Get the outline thickness for widgets that support this feature

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GetWidgetPluginMappedParameterNumber : Returns the mapped parameter number of this plugin or -99999 if unmapped

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GetWidgetPreviousValue : Gets the previous value (position) of the widget. The value will be between 0.0 and 1.0

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GetWidgetResetValue : Gets the reset value of the widget

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GetWidgetScriptName : Gets the scripting name of this widget. Useful when widget is passed as a parameter somewhere

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GetWidgetValue : Gets the current value (position) of the widget. The value will be between 0.0 and 1.0

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GigPerformerDocumentsFolder : Returns the root folder where GP content is stored

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GlobalRackspaceVisible : Indicates whether the global rackspace is visible

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GotNote : Track status of an incoming note

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GotNoteOff : Remember that a note was released

(Back to top)

GotNoteOn : Remember that a note was played

(Back to top)

InEditMode : Indicates whether we are in edit mode

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InPanelView : See if we are in panel view

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InSetlistMode : Returns whether we are currently in setlist mode

(Back to top)

InSetlistView : See if we are in the setlist view

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InTunerView : Indicates whether we are in the tuner view

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InWiringView : See if we are in the wiring view

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IndexOf : Returns the index containing the value otherwise returns -1

(Back to top)

IndexOfSubstring : Return the zero-based index of the substring or -1 if substring not found

(Back to top)

InitADSR : Set all parameters of an ADSR in one function call

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InjectMidiEvent : Inject a message to any Midi Input Port with the specified physical device name

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InjectMidiEventViaRigManager : Inject a message to a MidiInDeviceAlias using its Rig Manager name directly

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InjectSysexEvent : Inject a sysex message to any Midi Input Port with the specified physical device name

(Back to top)

InjectSysexEventViaRigManager : Inject a sysex message to a MidiInDeviceAlias using its Rig Manager name directly

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InsertFavoriteAtMousePosition : Insert the named favorite at the current mouse position

(Back to top)

IntTo7BitHexString : Converts an integer number to at least minByteLength sequence of 7 bit hex bytes as readable strings - intended for use with sysex messages

(Back to top)

IntToFloat : Converts an integer to its floating point equivalent

(Back to top)

IntToHex : Converts an integer number to a hex notated readable string

(Back to top)

IntToHexString : Converts an integer number to a hex notated readable string

(Back to top)

IntToString : Returns a string representation of an integer value

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IsAfterTouch : See if the current message is actually an Aftertouch MIDI message

(Back to top)

IsController : See if the current message is actually a CC MIDI message

(Back to top)

IsGeneratorEnabled : Queries the state (start or stopped) of any generator

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IsGigLoading : Returns whether a gig file is currently loading

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IsMetronomeEnabled : See if metronome is running

(Back to top)

IsNote : See if the current message is a NoteOn or a NoteOff message

(Back to top)

IsNoteOff : See if the current message is actually a noteOff message - this is not the same as a NoteOn with 0 velocity

(Back to top)

IsNoteOn : See if the current message is actually a noteOn message

(Back to top)

IsPitchBend : See if the current message is actually a pitchbend message

(Back to top)

IsPlayheadEnabled : Indicates whether the playhead is running

(Back to top)

IsPluginBypassed : Returns whether the plugin block is bypassed

(Back to top)

IsPolyTouch : See if the current message is actually a Polytouch MIDI message

(Back to top)

IsProgramChange : See if the current message is actually a program change message

(Back to top)

IsRecording : Return whether GP is currently recording audio and/or MIDI

(Back to top)

LargestDouble : Returns the maximum value of a double array

(Back to top)

LargestInt : Returns the maximum value in an integer array

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Length : Returns the length of a string

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LinearToDecibel : Convert linear value to its dB equivalent. Returns -99999 if input is invalid

(Back to top)

Ln : Returns the log (base e) of x

(Back to top)

LoadGPPreset : Load a GP plugin preset asychronously - seriously experimental and probably very unsafe

(Back to top)

LoadStringFromTextFile : Load the contents of a file into a string - experimental and unsupported - this could easily blow up Gig Performer

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Log : Returns the log (base 10) of x

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MakeAfterTouchMessage : Returns an Aftertouch MIDI message with the specified value. The MIDI channel is 1

(Back to top)

MakeAfterTouchMessageEx : Returns an Aftertouch MIDI message with the specified value and MIDI channel

(Back to top)

MakeControlChangeMessage : Returns a CC MIDI message with the specified CC number and value. The MIDI channel is 1

(Back to top)

MakeControlChangeMessageEx : Returns a CC MIDI message with the specified CC number and value and MIDI channel

(Back to top)

MakeMidiMessage : Deprecated - Create an three byte MIDI message - you are on your own so make sure you get the values correct

(Back to top)

MakeMidiMessage1 : Create one byte MIDI message - you are on your own so make sure you get the value correct

(Back to top)

MakeMidiMessage2 : Create a 2 byte MIDI message - you are on your own so make sure you get the values correct

(Back to top)

MakeMidiMessage3 : Create an three byte MIDI message - you are on your own so make sure you get the values correct

(Back to top)

MakeNoteMessage : Returns a Note MIDI message with the specified note number and velocity. The MIDI channel is 1

(Back to top)

MakeNoteMessageEx : Returns a Note MIDI message with the specified note number and velocity and MIDI channel

(Back to top)

MakePitchBendMessage : Returns a new Pitchbend MIDI message with the specified value. The MIDI channel is 1

(Back to top)

MakePitchBendMessageEx : Returns a new Pitchbend MIDI message with the specified value and MIDI channel

(Back to top)

MakePolyTouchMessage : Returns a Polytouch MIDI message with the specified note number and pressure amount. The MIDI channel is 1

(Back to top)

MakePolyTouchMessageEx : Returns a Polytouch - sometimes called poly pressure - MIDI message with the specified note number and pressure ammount and MIDI channel

(Back to top)

MakeProgramChangeMessage : Returns a new ProgramChange MIDI message with the specified value ranging from 0 to 127. The MIDI channel is 1

(Back to top)

MakeProgramChangeMessageEx : Returns a new ProgramChange MIDI message with the specified value ranging from 0 to 127 and with the specified MIDI channel

(Back to top)

MapValueToDiscreteString : Select a string based on the proportional fractional value between 0.0 and 1.0

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MapWidgetToPlugin : Map a widget to the specified parameter of the specified plugin

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Max : Returns the larger of the two values

(Back to top)

MidiInDeviceExists : Returns whether the physical MIDI in device exists

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MidiOutDeviceExists : Returns whether the physical MIDI Out device exists

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MidiSequence_CollectEventsNow : Collect events at the current position

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MidiSequence_EndOfSong : True if there are no more events in track

(Back to top)

MidiSequence_FingerTap : Send all the available events for each track to its associated MidiInBlock - optionally restart automatically

(Back to top)

MidiSequence_FollowGlobalTranspose : When true MIDI note events will be transposed by the global transpose amount

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MidiSequence_GetCurrentBar : Returns the current bar

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MidiSequence_GetCurrentBeat : Returns the current beat of the current bar

(Back to top)

MidiSequence_GetCurrentEvents : Access the current events at the current grid position for the specified track

(Back to top)

MidiSequence_GetCurrentTick : Returns the current tick offset

(Back to top)

MidiSequence_GetResolution : Get the base resolution of the sequence

(Back to top)

MidiSequence_GetSongLength : Populates and returns a 3 item array containing the length of the song in bar:beat and absolute ticks

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MidiSequence_GetTrackCount : Returns the number of tracks in a loaded MIDI file

(Back to top)

MidiSequence_LoadMidiFile : Loads a midi file and returns the number of tracks

(Back to top)

MidiSequence_LoadStandardMidiFile : Loads a midi file and returns the number of tracks

(Back to top)

MidiSequence_MapOutputChannel : Map the output channel for a track to the specified number between 1-16. Set to 0 to use individual event channel

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MidiSequence_Quantize : Grid quantize - 1 2 4 8 16

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MidiSequence_ResetToStart : Reset to the beginning of the track

(Back to top)

MidiSequence_ScriptletFingerTap : Send all the available events for each track out using the specified associated channel with 0 meaning unchanged - optionally restart automatically - for use in a scriptlet

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MidiToParam : Maps an integer value between 0 and 127 into a floating point value between 0.0 and 1.0 and is a specialized (slightly) faster version of the generic Scale function

(Back to top)

MidiToParamEx : Maps a value between xMin and xMax both with type integer into a value between yMin and yMax both with type double. Slightly faster than Scale if you can use the expected types so that no conversion is required

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Min : Returns the smaller of the two values

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MinimizeOrRestoreGPWindow : Minimize or restore the GP main window

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ModifierKeys : Returns the state of the various modifier keys: 1-Shift 2-Ctrl 4-Option 8-Cmd

(Back to top)

MultiChannelNoteTracker_Clear : Reinitializes the note tracker for the specified channel

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MultiChannelNoteTracker_GetHeldNotes : returns all currently held down notes as an integer array without velocities

(Back to top)

MultiChannelNoteTracker_GetSpecificNoteOnCount : Count how many times a specific note on has been played without a corresponding note off

(Back to top)

MultiChannelNoteTracker_GotMidiMessage : Tracks notes and sustain messages automatically

(Back to top)

MultiChannelNoteTracker_GotNote : Track status of an incoming note

(Back to top)

MultiChannelNoteTracker_GotNoteOff : Remember that a note was released

(Back to top)

MultiChannelNoteTracker_GotNoteOn : Remember that a note was played

(Back to top)

MultiChannelNoteTracker_IsNoteOffPending : returns whether a specific note is still down

(Back to top)

MultiChannelNoteTracker_NoteOnCount : Count number of notes still being played

(Back to top)

MultiChannelNoteTracker_StopAllPendingNotes : Send note offs for all pending notes on all channels in the tracker

(Back to top)

MultiChannelNoteTracker_StopAllPendingNotes : Send note offs for all pending notes on all channels in the tracker

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Next : Switch to next rackspace variation song or song part

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NextRackspace : Switch to the next rackspace

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NextSong : Move to the next song

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NextVariation : Switch to the next variation

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NoteMapper_CreateScale : Given a root note and an array of 12 offsets - create a scale covering the entire MIDI note range

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NoteMapper_GetMappedNotes : Returns the note or chord associated with the incoming note

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NoteMapper_MapNote : Define note to be returned given an incoming note

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NoteMapper_MapNoteToChord : Associate a note with a chord

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NoteMapper_MapNotes : Map a list of source notes to replacement notes - both arrays must be same size

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NoteMapper_Reset : Reset note mapper to defaults

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NoteNameToNoteNumber : returns integer value of a note name

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NoteNumberToNoteName : Returns a string representation of an integer note number

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NoteOnCount : Count number of notes still being played

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NoteTracker_Clear : Reinitializes the note tracker although it is generally not necessary

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NoteTracker_GetHeldNotes : returns all currently held down notes as an integer array without velocities

(Back to top)

NoteTracker_GetSpecificNoteOnCount : Count how many times a specific note on has been played without a corresponding note off

(Back to top)

NoteTracker_GotNote : Track status of an incoming note

(Back to top)

NoteTracker_GotNoteOff : Remember that a note was released

(Back to top)

NoteTracker_GotNoteOn : Remember that a note was played

(Back to top)

NoteTracker_IsNoteOffPending : returns whether a specific note is still down

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NoteTracker_NoteOnCount : Count number of notes still being played

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NoteTracker_StopAllPendingNotes : Send note offs for all pending notes in the tracker

(Back to top)

NoteTracker_StopAllPendingNotes : Send note offs for all pending notes in the tracker

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Notify : Displays a message on main window that will fade out

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OSC_AppendDoubleArg : Append a double argument to the OSC message

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OSC_AppendIntArg : Append an integer argument to the OSC message

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OSC_AppendStringArg : Append a string argument to the OSC message

(Back to top)

OSC_ArgCount : Returns the number of arguments in an OSC message

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OSC_ClearArgs : Clear all arguments but leave the address pattern

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OSC_Enabled : Returns whether OSC is enabled for this instance

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OSC_GetArgAsDouble : Returns the argument at the index - 0 based - as a double

(Back to top)

OSC_GetArgAsInteger : Returns the argument at the index - 0 based - as an integer

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OSC_GetArgAsString : Returns the argument at the index - 0 based - as a String

(Back to top)

OSC_GetGPListeningPort : Return the port on which GP listens for incoming OSC messages

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OSC_GetIPAddressFromTargetName : Returns the IP address or empty string if target does not exist

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OSC_GetPortNumberFromTargetName : Returns the port number or -1 if target does not exist

(Back to top)

OSC_GetTargetNames : Returns the list of available target names

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OSC_Send : Send out the message to the default IP address and port

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OSC_SendCommand : Send an OSC message with no valueo the default ip address and port

(Back to top)

OSC_SendCommandSpecific : Send an OSC message with no arguments to the specified ip address and port

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OSC_SendDouble : Send an OSC message with a value of type double to the default ip address and port

(Back to top)

OSC_SendDoubleSpecific : Send an OSC message with a value of type double to the specified ip address and port

(Back to top)

OSC_SendInteger : Send an OSC message with a value of type integer to the default ip address and port

(Back to top)

OSC_SendIntegerSpecific : Send an OSC message with a value of type integer to the specified ip address and port

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OSC_SendSpecific : Send out the message to the specified IP address and port

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OSC_SendString : Send an OSC message with a value of type String to the default ip address and port

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OSC_SendStringSpecific : Send an OSC message with a value of type String to the specified ip address and port

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OSC_SetAddress : Set the address of an OSC message

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OSC_TargetNameExists : Returns whether a target name has been defined

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OpenLogWindow : Open the log window - duh!

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OpenPlugin : Open the plugin editor

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OpenScriptWindow : Open the script editor window for the current rackspace

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OverrideParameterText : Override the default parameter string of the parameter displayed by a widget

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Panic : Stop all notes in the current rackspace

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ParamToMidi : Maps an double value between 0.0 and 1.0 into an integer value between 0 and 127 and is a specialized (slightly) faster version of the generic Scale function

(Back to top)

ParamToMidiEx : Maps a double value between xMin and xMax - both between 0.0 and 1.0 - into a value between yMinMIDI and yMaxMIDI both with type integer and whose values will be constrained between 0 and 127. Slightly faster than Scale if you can use the expected types so that no conversion is required

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ParseCSVString : Breaksup a single line of a CSV into its parts

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PlayNote : Send a noteOn event at startTimeMS and a noteOff event at durationMS later. If duration is less than 1 then we make it 1

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PlayNote : Send a noteOn event at startTimeMS and a noteOff event at durationMS later. If duration is less than 1 then we make it 1

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PlayNotes : Play a collection of note at startTimeMS and stop them durationMS later. If duration is less than 1 then we make it 1

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PlayNotes : Play a collection of note at startTimeMS and stop them durationMS later. If duration is less than 1 then we make it 1

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Power : Returns base raised to the power of exponent

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PrevSong : Move to the previous song

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Previous : Switch to previous rackspace variation song or song part

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PreviousRackspace : Switch to the previous rackspace

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PreviousVariation : Switch to the previous variation

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Print : Displays the string in the log window

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PromptToLoadGPUserPreset : Prompt to load a GP User Preset for the given plugin

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PromptToSaveGPUserPreset : Prompt to save a GP User Preset for the given plugin

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PushSnapshotToVariation : Update the underlying rackspace variation with the current song part overrides - fails silently if not in setlist mode

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QuickInsertPlugin : Uses the Quick Select Dialog to insert a new plugin

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QuickReplaceSelectedPlugin : Use dialog to replace the plugin - if any - under the mouse

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RGBToColor : Convert R G B A values between 0.0 and 1.0 into a color

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Random : Returns a random value between 0.0 and 1.0

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RandomRange : Returns a random integer value between min and max

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RecordInputs : Start or stop recording audio and/or MIDI

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RedrawWidgetCurve : Redraw the curve after making changes to it

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RefreshWidgetsMappedToPlugin : Update widget values to match their mapped parameters - useful when change to plugin preset does not notify the host

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ReinterpretAsAfterTouch : Reinterpret an arbitrary MIDI message - you need to know what you are doing

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ReinterpretAsControllerMessage : Reinterpret an arbitrary MIDI message - you need to know what you are doing

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ReinterpretAsNoteOffMessage : Reinterpret an arbitrary MIDI message - you need to know what you are doing

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ReinterpretAsNoteOnMessage : Reinterpret an arbitrary MIDI message - you need to know what you are doing

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ReinterpretAsPitchBend : Reinterpret an arbitrary MIDI message - you need to know what you are doing

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ReinterpretAsPolyTouchMessage : Reinterpret an arbitrary MIDI message - you need to know what you are doing

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ReinterpretAsProgramChange : Reinterpret an arbitrary MIDI message - you need to know what you are doing

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RemoveChordInterval : Remove a chord interval from the chord dictionary

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RemoveLast : Remove the last item in the array and so reducing the array size by 1

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RemoveSelectedPlugin : Removes the selected plugin - if any

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RenameSelectedPlugin : Opens the dialog to rename the selected plugin - if any

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ReplacePlugin : Replace the plugin in the specified block - optionally load a preset if not blank value - experimental

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ReplaceString : Replace a substring with another string

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ReplaceStringSection : Extract a substring defined by startIndex and length and insert a new substring into that position

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ResetWidgetValue : Reset the widget to its default value - same as double clicking on the widget

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ResyncWidget : Resend the message to sync an external associated physical control with the widget

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Reverse : Reverse the list of items in the array

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Round : Rounds a floating point number to the nearest integer

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SM_ChangeValue : Change a byte of a sysex message at some index starting at 0. Note that the F0 and F7 bytes cannot themselves be changed

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SM_CreateSysex : Store a sysex message efficiently for manipulation and sending

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SM_CreateSysexFromString : Interpret a string as a sysex and store it for manipulation and sending

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SM_GetByte : Gets the byte at the specified index

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SM_GetValue : Gets the byte at the specified index

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SM_GetValues : Gets the combined bytes starting at the specified index

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SM_Length : Returns the length of a system message

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SM_Pretty : Returns a nicely formatted sysex message - possibly breaking it up into small blocks between 1 and 8 - blocksize of 0 will display indexing

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SM_SendMidiIn : Send a stored sysex message from a MidiIn block

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SM_SendMidiOut : Send a stored sysex message from a MidiOut block to an external MIDI device

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SM_SendMidiOutNow : Send a sysex message through a MidiOut block to an external MIDI device

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SaveGPPreset : Saves a GP plugin preset in the background - seriously experimental and probably very unsafe - no way to tell programatically if it was successful

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SaveGigfile : Tries to save the gigfile - displays message in main window indicating success or failure

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SaveStringToTextFile : Save a string to a file - experimental and unsupported - this could easily blow up Gig Performer or overwrite - returns whether saved

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Scale : Maps a value between xMin and xMax into a value between yMin and yMax. Integers will be converted to doubles. See MidiToParam and ParamToMidi for slightly faster implementations

(Back to top)

ScaleInt : Maps a value between xMin and xMax into a value between yMin and yMax. Doubles will be truncated to integers. See MidiToParam and ParamToMidi for slightly faster implementations

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ScaleRange : Maps a double value between 0.0 and 1.0 into a rounded integer value between yMin and yMax

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ScaleRangeEx : Maps a double value between xMin and xMax into a rounded integer value between yMin and yMax

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ScheduleMidiEvent : Schedule a MIDI event to be reprocessed at some specified time in the future

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ScrollFrontPanel : Scroll the main panel to the given position as a fraction of the total height

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ScrollRackspaces : Scroll the rackspace view to the given position as a fraction of the total height

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ScrollSetlist : Scroll the setlist view to the given position as a fraction of the total height

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SelectPreset : Change the preset of the block - experimental

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SendLater : Schedule a MIDI event to be sent out at some specified time in the future

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SendLater : Schedule a MIDI event to be sent out in the future - only for use in a Scriptlet

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SendNoteMessageWithTranspositionsLater : Send multiple MIDI noteon or noteoff events out some milliseconds later using note number added to each offset in the array

(Back to top)

SendNoteMessageWithTranspositionsNow : Send multiple note on or note off events out immediately using note number added to each offset in the array

(Back to top)

SendNoteMessagesLater : Create a chord of note on or off events using the array of note numbers and send it out some milliseconds later

(Back to top)

SendNoteMessagesNow : Create a chord of note on or off events using the array of note numbers and send it out immediately

(Back to top)

SendNotesNow : Play a collection of notes now

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SendNow : Send a MIDI event out immediately

(Back to top)

SendNow : Send a MIDI event out immediately - only for use in a Scriptlet

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SendNowExternal : Send a MIDI event out immediately through a MIDI Out block

(Back to top)

SendNowRespectingParameters : Send a MIDI event out after applying MidiInBlock parameters

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SendNowToMidiOutDevice : Send a MIDI event out immediately through a physical MIDI Out device

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SendSysexExternal : Send a MIDI sysex message out immediately through a MIDI Out block

(Back to top)

SendSysexInternal : Send a MIDI sysex message out immediately from a MIDI In block

(Back to top)

SendSysexInternalLater : Send a MIDI sysex message out at some specified time in the future from a MIDI In block

(Back to top)

SendSysexInternalNow : Send a MIDI sysex message out immediately from a MIDI In block

(Back to top)

SendSysexNow : Send a MIDI sysex message out immediately

(Back to top)

SendSysexNowToMidiOutDevice : Send a MIDI sysex message out immediately through a MIDI output device

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SendWidgetToBack : Put this widget behind other widgets

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SendWidgetToFront : Put this widget in front of other widgets

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SetADSRAttackLevel : Set the maximum volume level of the attack phase of an ADSR

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SetADSRAttackTime : Set the time in milliseconds of the attack phase of an ADSR

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SetADSRDecayTime : Set the time in milliseconds of the decay phase of an ADSR

(Back to top)

SetADSRReleaseTime : Set the time in milliseconds of the total release time of an ADSR

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SetADSRSustainLevel : Set the level of the sustain phase of an ADSR

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SetArtistName : Change the name of artist for the song at the specified index

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SetBPM : Set the global BPM value

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SetDisplayMessage : Displays a message at the bottom of a Scriptlet editor window

(Back to top)

SetEnvVariable : Set an environment variable - be careful - may not be persistent

(Back to top)

SetExternalWidgetHideOnPresentation : Set the current hide state of an external widget

(Back to top)

SetExternalWidgetLabel : Set the current label of an external widget

(Back to top)

SetExternalWidgetValue : Set the current value of an external widget

(Back to top)

SetExternalWidgetValueEx : Set the current value of an external widget - uses modulo arithmetic

(Back to top)

SetGPWindowFullScreen : Make the GP window be full screen or not fullscreen

(Back to top)

SetGPWindowKioskMode : Make the GP window be kiosk or not kiosk

(Back to top)

SetGPWindowState : Set the state of the main window

(Back to top)

SetGeneratorCoarseness : Controls the jitter time of a callback (trading off accuracy against CPU cycles)

(Back to top)

SetGeneratorFrequency : Set the frequency in cycles/second of any Generator

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SetGeneratorLength : Set the length of a generator cycle

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SetGeneratorOneShot : Controls whether a Generator repeats indefinitely or only runs once when triggered

(Back to top)

SetGlobalTranspose : Transpose all incoming MIDI messages by semitones amount

(Back to top)

SetInfoMessage : Defines an info message to be displayed when user clicks on I button

(Back to top)

SetLabelColor : Set the label color of a widgets

(Back to top)

SetMetronomeVolume : Set the metronome volume

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SetParameter : Send a parameter value to the plugin block

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SetPluginBypassed : Bypass or unbypass the plugin block

(Back to top)

SetPluginCaption : Sets the caption displayed in the plugin block

(Back to top)

SetPluginEditorXYPosition : Open a plugin editor and set its position on screen

(Back to top)

SetSongInformation : Change multiple attributes of a song at the specified index - invalid parameters will be ignored

(Back to top)

SetSongName : Change the name of a song at the specified index

(Back to top)

SetSongPart : Switch to another part in the current song

(Back to top)

SetSongPartName : Change the name of the song part at songpart index in a song at the specified song index

(Back to top)

SetTimeSignatureDenominator : Set the denominator of global time signature

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SetTimeSignatureNumerator : Set the numerator of the global time signature

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SetTimersRunning : Start or stop the global timers

(Back to top)

SetVariation : Switch to another variation in the active rackspace using zero based offsets

(Back to top)

SetVariationByName : Switch to another variation in the active rackspace using the variation name

(Back to top)

SetWidgetBounds : Set a widget x y width height on a panel from the first four fields of the bound array

(Back to top)

SetWidgetBoundsFromOtherWidget : Make the target widget have the same position and size as the source

(Back to top)

SetWidgetCurveValue : Returns the value of a widget after applying the scale curve to it

(Back to top)

SetWidgetFillColor : Set the fill color for widgets that support this feature

(Back to top)

SetWidgetHideOnPresentation : Set widget to be hidden when not in edit mode

(Back to top)

SetWidgetLabel : Set the label of a widget

(Back to top)

SetWidgetOutlineColor : Set the outline color for widgets that support this feature

(Back to top)

SetWidgetOutlineRoundness : Set the outline roundness for widgets that support this feature

(Back to top)

SetWidgetOutlineThickness : Set the outline thickness for widgets that support this feature

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SetWidgetResetValue : Set the reset value of any widget

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SetWidgetValue : Set the current value of any widget

(Back to top)

SetWidgetValueEx : Set the current value of any widget - uses modulo arithmetic

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SetWindowTitle : Changes the default rackspace title to the title

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Shell : Run an OS Shell command synchronously returning an implementation defined integer indicating success or failure

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ShellEx : Run an OS Shell command (Mac only) that returns the output of the command

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ShiftKeyDown : See if shift key is down

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ShowChordProWindow : Show or hide the ChordPro Window

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ShowEditorForSelectedPlugin : Open the editor for the selected plugin - if any

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ShowGlobalRackspace : Show or hide the global rackspace front panel

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ShowRigManager : Open or close the Rig Manager window

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Sign : Returns 1 if x > 0 -1 if x < 0 0 if x = 0

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Sin : Returns the sin of x

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Size : Returns the size of an array

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Sleep : Delay a script for specified milliseconds - experimental - maybe even dangerous

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SmallestDouble : Returns the minimum value in a double array

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SmallestInt : Returns the minimum value in an integer array

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SongMoveDown : Move to the next part or next song if allowed

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SongMoveUp : Move to the previous part or previous song if allowed

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SongNextPart : Move to the next song part of the current song

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SongPrevPart : Move to the previous song part of the current song

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Sort : Sorts an array in ascending order

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Sqrt : Returns the square root of x

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StartAttackPhase : Trigger the ADS phase of an ADSR

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StartRecording : Start recording now

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StartReleasePhase : Trigger the release phase of the ADSR

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StopAllPendingNotes : Send note offs for all pending notes in the tracker

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StopAllPendingNotes : Send note offs for all pending notes in the tracker

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StopOneShotRamp : Stop a one shot ramp generator before it normally finishes - - experimental

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StopRecording : Stop recording now

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StringAfterFirstOccurence : Deprecated - Return the section of the source string after the first occurrence of substringToStartFrom - optionally including the substring

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StringAfterFirstOccurrence : Return the section of the source string after the first occurrence of substringToStartFrom - optionally including the substring

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StringAfterLastOccurence : Deprecated - Return the section of the source string after the last occurrence of substringToFind - optionally including the substring

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StringAfterLastOccurrence : Return the section of the source string after the last occurrence of substringToFind - optionally including the substring

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StringToBool : returns true if string = "true" otherwise false

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StringToDouble : returns double value of string

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StringToHex : Converts text characters to their hex equivalent values - intended for use with sysex messages

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StringToHexString : Converts text characters to their hex equivalent values - intended for use with sysex messages

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StringToInt : returns integer value of string

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StringUpToFirstOccurence : Deprecated - Return the section of the source string up to the first occurrence of substringToEndWith - optionally including the substring

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StringUpToFirstOccurrence : Return the section of the source string up to the first occurrence of substringToEndWith - optionally including the substring

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StringUpToLastOccurence : Deprecated - Return the section of the source string up to the last occurrence of substringToFind - optionally including the substring

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StringUpToLastOccurrence : Return the section of the source string up to the last occurrence of substringToFind - optionally including the substring

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SwitchToNextRack : Switch to the next rackspace

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SwitchToNextVariation : Switch to the next variation

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SwitchToPanelView : Show the rackspace panel view

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SwitchToPreset : Switch to another preset in the rackspace

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SwitchToPrevRack : Switch to the previous rackspace

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SwitchToPrevVariation : Switch to the previous variation

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SwitchToProgramNumber : Switch to zero-based program number and bank Number if latter is greater than -1

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SwitchToProgramNumberEx : Switch to zero-based program number and optionally use MSB and LSB values if they are greater than -1

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SwitchToRack : Switch to another rackspace by number and potentially to a specific newPreset in that rackspace

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SwitchToRackspace : Switch to another rackspace by number and potentially to a specific variation in that rackspace

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SwitchToRackspaceAndVariationByNames : Switch to another rackspace by name and potentially to a specific variation by name in that rackspace

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SwitchToRackspaceByName : Switch to another rackspace by name and potentially to a specific variation in that rackspace

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SwitchToSetlistByIndex : Switch to the setlist associated with this index

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SwitchToSetlistByName : Switch to the named setlist

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SwitchToSetlistView : Show the song view

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SwitchToSongByIndex : Switch to the specified song and part

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SwitchToWiringView : Switch to the plugin block wiring view

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TakeSongPartSnapshot : Take a snapshot when in setlist mode - fails silently if not in setlist mode

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Tan : Returns the tan of x

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Tap : Simulates tap tempo command

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TestSomething : Internal use only

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ThresholdDetector_Detect : Return true if we crossed over

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ThresholdDetector_Setup : Define the conditions to detect an edge

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TimeNow : Gets the current time in milliseconds - deprecated

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TimeSinceStartup : Gets the time since computer was started in milliseconds

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TimeStringToDouble : Converts a PROPERLY formatted time string hh:mm::ss::ms to seconds.milliseconds - bogus input will produce bogus output

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ToLowercase : returns double value of string

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ToUppercase : returns double value of string

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ToggleTunerVisible : Switch in or out of tuner view

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Transpose : Returns a note that has been transposed chromatically by the number of steps

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TriggerOneShotRamp : Trigger a one shot ramp generator - experimental

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TrimString : Remove leading and trailing spaces from a string

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UpdateRackspaceBPM : Update the rackspace with this BPM value - does not mark gigfile dirty

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WithCCNumber : Changes the CC number of a ControlChangeMessage MIDI event

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WithCCValue : Changes the value of a CCMessage MIDI event

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WithChannel : Changes the channel number of any MIDI event.

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WithNoteNumber : Changes the note number of a NoteMessage MIDI event

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WithNoteNumberAndVelocity : Changes the note number and the velocity value of a NoteMessage MIDI event. Setting to 0 will make the message be a NoteOff

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WithProgramChangeNumber : Changes the program change value of a program change MIDI message.

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WithTranspose : Returns a note that has been transposed chromatically by the number of steps

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WithVelocity : Changes the velocity value of a NoteMessage MIDI event. Setting to 0 will make the message be a NoteOff

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iMax : Returns the index of the largest value of an array

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iMin : Returns the index of the smallest value of an array

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