Gig Performer v5.0.40 Release Notes


  • If you are already a GP 5 customer, simply  click here and then select your version (Mac or Windows). If you are using version GP4 or earlier,  you will need purchase an upgrade. Please see upgrade pricing at the bottom of our store page.


  • Actions requiring a widget or plugin handle now provide a combo box from which you can just select the desired handle rather than having to type it in manually
  • Added the OSC message /GigPerformer/SelectSongByIndex for consistency (the GigPerformer prefix was missing)
  • The Streaming Audio File Player plugin now supports multiple search paths to find songs that might have been moved
  • Copy/paste now works in action dialogs
  • Added NextSetList and PrevSetList parameters to the System Actions plugin
  • You can now prevent widgets from sending out values if the new value would be the same. In conjunction with the appropriate scaling, this mechanism also allows you to use continuous controllers in a stepped mode, effectively thinning incoming MIDI CC messages
  • Moving the mouse over the current track name in the SAFP will show full path to the file location of the song
  • Step Function in scaling curves now only allows valid values (between 2 and 128)
  • Added CurrSongName parameter to the MIDI File Player
  • The Variation Direct Access option now works for song parts as well


  • Plugin parameters were not always remembered in the SetPluginParameter action
  • Removing an OSC string option in a widget Direct OSC option could crash GP
  • Fixed bug where Play and Pause could both be set in the SAFP_TrackOperations Action
  • A missing plugin (Chameleon) Waves VST (not VST3) displayed the Waves shell name instead of the plugin name
  • The tempo was not updated when switching from Setlist to Wiring view
  • Opening a gigfile in rackspace mode sometimes had the wrong global transpose value
  • Fixed problem where actions didn’t run when a loop restarts in the streaming file player
  • Fixed a bug where defining the number of steps let you go beyond 100 in the scale curve view
  • Widget inspector contents can now be scrolled if there isn’t enough room to display everything
  • Crash when closing GP application WHILE MIDI events bound to a widget keeps coming in non-stop
  • SAFP Crash when loading a WMA file
  • Various other hardening and bug fixes were addressed
  • Moving widget positions or size now correctly causes prompt to save if you try to quit GP
  • Songs cannot be deleted from the SAFP while it is playing.
  • Prevent dragging and menu popups while gigfile is loading
  • Incorrect messaging when adding channels to Global Audio/MIDI Sender with MIDI wire connected



  • The GetGPPresetList function was crashing if you requested a chunk greater than 0
  • The SetExternalWidgetHideOnPresentation was not being called on the GUI thread
  • Added SetlistChanged callback


  • Added GP_LoadGPPreset (and loadGPPreset C++ wrapper)