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Gig Performer 3.x User Manual


Hold the Shift key down while Gig Performer is starting and it will not reload the previous Gig, even if you have the preference “Load last GIG file on startup” checked.

Hold down the Option/Alt key during startup to block Gig Performer from autoloading and executing a startup script.

Dragging rackspaces

Holding the Shift key while dragging rackspaces prevents the dragged rackspace from being activated. (This can be very useful for adjusting your setlist order when Predictive Loading is enabled).

Quick stereo connection

To make a quick stereo connection, hold the Shift key down while dragging a plugin until its output pins touch the input pins of another plugin, then release (unclick) the mouse. If there is already a connection, this operation will cause it to be removed instead.

Fine control

Hold down the Cmd (Mac OS X) or Ctrl (Windows) key for fine control while adjusting a widget.

MIDI In plugin channel toggling

In the MIDI In (OMNI) and MIDI In (OSC) plugin editors, if you hold the Shift key down while enabling or disabling individual MIDI channels by clicking on their respective checkboxes, the other checkboxes will be set to their opposite states. This is a convenient way to quickly enable a single channel while blocking all others.

Preferences>Global MIDI LEARN buttons

Holding the Shift key while clicking any of the LEARN buttons in the Preferences>Global MIDI dialog clears that assignment.

Widget captions

Normally the widget caption will be assigned the parameter name only. However, if you hold the Shift key down while selecting a parameter, the widget caption will include the plugin name as well as the parameter name. If you also hold the ALT key down, the widget caption will include the plugin name only.