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Gig Performer 3.x User Manual

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Gig Performer provides extensive support for OSC (Open Sound Control)—a networking protocol that can be used to control one application from another, with a particular focus on apps used for live performance. OSC names can be associated with plugins and widgets, allowing you to transform your tablet or smartphone into a remote display and control surface, with virtual knobs, sliders, and buttons for full wireless control. For example, you can use OSC to change the output levels of each plugin independently or adjust the cutoff frequency of a synth plugin. It can also be used to set Tap Tempo, turn Tuner View on and off, and select the desired rackspace and variation. In addition to well-known OSC products like Lemur and TouchOSC, it is also possible to use programming tools like Max/MSP to create very sophisticated applications that can also work interactively with Gig Performer.

For the most current version of Gig Performer’s OSC implementation, see:


Gig Performer’s supplied MIDI In (OSC) plugin is designed to receive MIDI messages from remote OSC sources. As described in the Controlling Gig Performer Using OSC tutorial in this user guide, one of the requirements of OSC is that each object in both the host computer and remote device must have matching unique case-sensitive names comprised of characters only (no spaces). These names must be unique within a single Gig Performer rackspace, although they can be reused in different rackspaces.