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Gig Performer 5.x User Manual

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OSC and Gig Performer

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Gig Performer provides extensive support for OSC (Open Sound Control) - a protocol for communication among various multimedia devices and applications, with a particular focus on applications used by artists and performers. In Gig Performer you can associate OSC names with plugins and widgets and then send messages to them from any remote device, such as Android phone or tablet, iPhone, iPad or other laptop to control their operation. Learn more about OSC support in Gig Performer here.

Every parameter available in your VST, VST3 and AU plugin (if you’re on macOS) can be controlled by widgets in Gig Performer, and every widget can be controlled just with a tap of or sliding your fingers on your favorite mobile phone via OSC protocol. Other OSC capable devices, like various digital mixers for example, can be controlled directly from Gig Performer using widgets and OSC. Gig Performer's proprietary programming language (GPScript) also supports the OSC protocol.

For example, you can use OSC to change the output levels of each plugin independently or adjust the cutoff frequency of a synth plugin. It can also be used to set Tap Tempo, turn Tuner View on and off, and select the desired rackspace and variation. In addition to well-known OSC products like Lemur and TouchOSC, it is also possible to use programming tools like Max/MSP, Ableton Live, and Plogue Bidule (to name just a few) to create very sophisticated applications that can also work interactively with Gig Performer.

For the most current version of Gig Performer's OSC implementation, see Help -> Documentation -> OSC Messages.


More in this chapter:
cicon9 How to set up OSC?
cicon9 OSC Resources