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Gig Performer 5.x User Manual

Navigation: Important workflow tools and tips

Quick Rackspace/Variation finder

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The Quick Rackspace/Variation Finder is a fast way to switch to a specific rackspace and variation, great for jamming and improv performances, or assembling setlists. It can be opened by using any of these four methods:

1. Double click on the rackspace name:


2. Using the Ctrl + J (or Cmd + J) key combination,

3. Edit menu -> Quick Jump to Rackspace/Variation...

4. More... button -> Quick Jump to Rackspace/Variation...


To switch to a different rackspace, open the Quick Jump to Rackspace/Variation... window, then click the variation you want to select, and click the OK button (or simply double-click the variation in the list).

Search terms can be entered in the Filter field to help find the variation you want, as indicated in the screenshot above.