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Gig Performer 5.x User Manual

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Who can use Gig Performer?

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Every artist who performs on any instrument live or in the studio, as well as front of house sound engineers, can benefit from using Gig Performer, as it is an ultimate enhancer of every aspect of your rig. For example, whether you are a keyboard player, a guitarist, a vocalist, a drummer, or a live sound engineer, Gig Performer has much to offer:

Keyboardists can control all their software synths, samplers, and sequencers - as well as effects - directly from the sliders, knobs and switches on their instruments.

Using their MIDI pedalboards, guitarists can freely switch between multiple amp/cabinet models and digital effects in real time without any audio glitching. Check out the blog article Top 10 reasons why you should move to a Gig Performer based guitar rig.

Singers can easily add compression, EQ and other desired effects to their vocals.

Drummers can mix and match their favorite drums and cymbals from different drum plugins to create their own perfect drum kits. Drum kits can be switched on the fly so as to have instant access to hundreds of different sounds during your gig.

Live sound engineers can use Gig Performer to create a standalone mixing system or to intercept audio coming from the FOH or monitor system, add desired effects processing, and then send the results directly back to the mixing board. Gig Performer can simultaneously record multichannel audio from the mixing board for later processing and mixing in your favorite DAW.

You can even run multiple Gig Performer instances simultaneously, allowing different members of a band to access different plugin setups independently as long as the computer is fast enough.

Gig Performer can be used for many other use cases; to learn more, make sure to check out this blog article: Gig Performer is the best companion for all your musical efforts and more and to visit our Gig Performer in Action forum and see photos and stories of many great setups with Gig Performer.

Gig Performer's intuitive interface makes it easy to use and remarkably fast with which to get started. Beneath the surface, however, are many advanced features, which we will cover in the pages of this User Guide.