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Gig Performer 5.x User Manual

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Gig Performer standard features

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This is an incomplete list of standard Gig Performer features. Be sure to check for a complete list of current features.

Cross-platform audio plugin host - runs on both macOS and Windows platforms so you can create, share, and modify your files on any computer and such files will run on either platform as long as the needed plugins are available.

Supports VST2 and VST3 (macOS and Windows) and AU (macOS only) plugins.

Includes built-in plugins - MIDI File Player, Streaming Audio File Player, Audio Mixers, MIDI Out to OSC converter plugin, MIDI Channel Constrainer plugin, and many more.

Minimal CPU usage.

Rock solid performance, extremely stable, leading to less stress on stage.

Easily play multiple instruments and controllers, layer sounds, and add effects.

Intuitive user interface - simply connect any plugin to any other plugin in any configuration; no confusing buses, sends or inserts.

Build fully customizable rackspaces consisting of a collection of interconnected plugins along with one or more front panels containing knobs, sliders and other widgets.

Instantaneous glitch-free switching between sounds, even while holding notes for seamless transition from one song to the next or from one part of a song to another.

Use keyboards, MIDI pedals, and control surfaces to alter plugin parameters in real-time by connecting them to knobs, sliders, buttons, labels, meters, and other widgets.

Learn mode for easy assignment of MIDI controls to widgets and widgets to plugin parameters.

Build setlists that automatically change to the right sound for each part of each song in the list. Capture on-the-spot tweaks right into song parts. A gig becomes as simple as stepping through its setlist.

ChordPro support - create and edit ChordPro song documents and set each to automatically display when its song is selected in the setlist.

Automatic mixing of signals when multiple outputs are connected to a single input.

Deactivate any plugin at any time to remove a sound or bypass an effect.

Widget groups for making cross-faders, grouped level controls, and other ganged behaviors (see Linked Widget group and Radio Group).

The Rig Manager simplifies switching a Gig Performer rig to use a different set of physical controllers - great for backline touring.

LEDs show input/output levels on each channel as well as audio and MIDI activity/

Built-in full-screen chromatic tuner.

Audio metronome using built-in or user-supplied sounds.

Create multiple instances for different members of the band which run independently or for when you want to control some plugins while leaving others alone.

Audio and MIDI recorder - An audio recorder captures audio from input and/or output channels to WAV files for post-production editing, processing, and mixing in a DAW. A MIDI Recorder captures MIDI input from all devices, placing each on its own track of a Type 1 Standard MIDI File that can be imported for post-production in a DAW.

Works with any operating system-compliant audio interface.

Predictive Loading reduces RAM and CPU demand in systems with limited resources.

Automatic detection of new MIDI devices—connect and reconnect on the fly.  

Full MIDI remapping, transposition, layering, and keyboard splitting.

Send program change and other messages to external MIDI devices automatically.

VST Bus Layout support.

OSC support for remote control via tablets and smartphones.

Compatible (via OSC) with Max/MSP and Bidule for the development of complex interactive control algorithms.

GPScript proprietary programming language for complex or custom needs.

Gig file Templates.

The Global rackspace.

Zoomable Wiring view.

Non-linear scaling curves that allow advanced widget scaling and keyboard velocity scaling.

The Probabilistic Sound Designer.

An external API for third-party developers.

Support for Cakewalk-style instrument definition files.

Select and copy/paste/duplicate multiple blocks simultaneously.

Export selections to a file and easily drag them into rackspaces.

Save and load a preset for a plugin.

Large numeric keypad for easier numeric editing on a touchscreen.

Startup hints.

Please navigate through this manual to find more information about these bullet items.

Refer to the next chapter to find what's new in Gig Performer.