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Gig Performer 5.x User Manual

The General tab appears when the General... menu item is chosen in the Options menu, or when its keyboard shortcut is used (Ctrl + , on Windows or Cmd + , on Mac):


Scan for new/changed plugins on startup - when enabled, Gig Performer will check for new or updated plugins every time it starts. The best practice is to leave this enabled unless you're certain that your plugins have not been updated since you last used Gig Performer. If you're wondering why your latest plugin or update has not shown up in the plugin list, not scanning for plugins is the most probable cause (see the Troubleshooting chapter for more information).

Initial view - clicking on this drop-down list enables you to select the default view that shows up when you start Gig Performer. The Last Viewed menu item is the default (the other possibilities are the Panels view, the Wiring view, or the Setlists view).

Reload the last gig on startup - when enabled, Gig Performer will automatically load the last gig file that was used; you can also choose whether you want to open to the last active rackspace (default) or - if disabled - to load the first rackspace or open the template dialog on startup. Note: you can temporarily prevent Gig Performer from loading the last gig file by holding down the Shift key while starting Gig Performer and turning off the Load last gig file toggle button (click here for more information).

Check for updates automatically - unless you're actually on tour, it's recommended that you keep this option enabled so that you are informed of new updates. Note: updating any critical software while on tour or otherwise engaged in a production project is strongly discouraged until you have time to thoroughly test the update to ensure that it is functioning correctly. That applies not only to Gig Performer, but to any plugin and even other applications or operating system updates. We recommend that you do not update anything on your computer within 2 weeks of a show so that you have time to address any issues without stress.

Check Now - click on this button to manually check for updates. Note: this requires an Internet connection.

Master trim level on startup - the master trim is normally reset to 0db when you start Gig Performer. You can change that initial startup value by adjusting this slider.

Predictive loading - turn on this toggle button to activate the Predictive loading feature. Check the Predictive loading chapter to learn more.

Limit to maximum of - this field appears when the Predictive loading feature is enabled. Check the Predictive loading chapter to learn more.

Sync Start/Stop with Ableton Link - synchronizes start/stop with Ableton Link.

Auto-assign a permanent PC number to new rackspaces (first variation) - enable this option to auto-assign a new PC number to the first variation when creating a new rackspace. Note: if explicit PC numbers are not used in variations the last selected variation will be called when using the PC for that rackspace (as when you click the rackspace with your mouse).

Quit without saving - enable this if you want to quit Gig Performer without prompting you to save any changes. This can be useful if you're running Gig Performer on a headless computer and just need it to shut down automatically at the end of a show.

No error reports - enable this if you don't want to send error reports to Gig Performer development team (not recommended). If you enable this toggle button, restart Gig Performer for changes to take effect.

Metronome - this complete section is covered in more detail in the Audio metronome chapter.