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Gig Performer 5.x User Manual

The Tap Tempo tab appears when the Tap Tempo... menu item is chosen in the Options menu:


You can select one of six tap tempo algorithms.

1. Legacy - this is the original algorithm that is used in Gig Performer 4.5 and older builds.

2. Instant - the tempo is determined by the last two taps.

3. Arithmetic Moving Average - the tempo is determined as the average of recent taps.

4. Arithmetic Moving Average (Weighted) - the tempo is determined as the average of recent taps, but it is biased towards more recent taps.

5. Exponential Moving Average - the tempo is determined as the average of recent taps, but it is biased exponentially towards more recent taps.

6. Exponential Moving Average (Adaptive) - the tempo is determined as the average of recent taps, but it is more responsive to sudden changes in tempo.


As for the new algorithms, the Instant algorithm is intended for very precise but fast detection and is mostly suitable when used mechanically. The other algorithms depend on how accurate one is with their tapping. Test these algorithms to determine which one works the best for you.

When you select the desired algorithm, check out the Tempo and Time signature chapter to see how to tap tempo.