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The Ultimate Guide to Optimize your Windows PC for the Stage

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Power settings optimization

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Windows PCs are configured to save power by default. To get the most out of your PC for reliable real-time audio processing, without audio glitches, power settings need to be set up properly.


In Windows 10, there are two power models for PCs: the legacy S3 power model and Modern Standby. Modern Standby systems can still be connected to a wireless local area network while in standby, and can resume normal operation faster from a low power state.


Click on the Start button and type: choose a power plan to open your Power Options:




If your computer supports Modern Standby then by default only the Balanced power plan will be immediately available. The good news is that you can add and/or enable other plans:




Rather than just having one power plan, best practice suggests the Balanced power plan for regular use of your PC/laptop and at least one more plan optimized for audio processing to use for your live performance. Although a new custom power plan can be created by clicking on Create a power plan, we will show you how to enable two additional power plans intended for better performance.



More in this chapter:

cicon9 Create a power plan for ultimate performance

cicon9 Device power management

cicon9 Fast Startup

cicon9 Core parking



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