Morningstar MC8 / MC6 / MC6 Pro Extension
Free extension
This extension is designed to take control of the MCx displays and always keep them synced up to what you’ve designed into your Rackspaces/Variations/Songs/Songparts. It requires installing the appropriate MCx template into one bank on your controller, and activating that bank before starting up GigPerformer with the extension.

Novation SL-MK3 Extension
Free extension
This extension was designed to make it as easy as possible to assign widgets as easily as possible to all the various controls. Rackspace, Song, Variation, and Songpart selection is also made fairly simple (as long as you have a reasonably number of Racks/Songs).

MCU Protocol Control Extension
Free extension
This extension offers a simple mechanism for linking knobs, faders, and buttons to widgets and having their labels show on the display.It is also able to change Racks/Variations/Songs/Songparts using button rows and also to allow “bank switching” along the lines of how MCU units are typically used in a DAW (i.e., shifting from controlling tracks 1-8 to 9-16, or from Volume/Pan to other functions on demand) and a few other things. This extension can also be used with OSC templates that emulate Mackie MCUs (or other controllers that use the protocol).