BOULDEN digital, based in Kent, United Kingdom, is founded by musician and developer Dave Boulden offering free and paid for extensions for use with Gig Performer.

Featured Product

The Advanced Song Chooser extension for Gig Performer is intended to offer the performer a focused touchscreen-friendly user interface for selecting and queuing songs within Gig Performer. The video below gives an overview of the capabilities.

Advanced Song Chooser

Premium extension

This extension for is intended to offer the performer a focused touchscreen-friendly user interface for selecting and queuing songs within Gig Performer. The layout and design are specifically created to make the information as legible as possible in a gig situation whether that be on a dimly lit stage or a bright daylight open-air stage in festival situations.

Basic Song Chooser

Free extension

This extension offers the performer a focused touchscreen-friendly user interface for selecting songs within Gig Performer. It is intended, primarily, as a technology demonstration of using a web based UI within a Gig Performer extension. You can get your own copy of the source code and build your own version on GitHub: