

Using Recall Value On Load and Also recall on Activate widget options

Using Recall Value On Load and Also recall on Activate widget options

By default, Gig Performer saves the values of all widgets using a "last value saved" algorithm. That means that when you change a widget value and save your gig, then when you reload your gig, that widget will have the same value. This is very convenient but it may...

Rackspaces vs. Program Changes

Rackspaces vs. Program Changes

The normal way to use Gig Performer® is to create rackspaces each of which contains a collection of plugins connected together as desired. A rackspace might contain everything needed for a single song or you might use several rackspaces during a single song, switching...

How to play “Won’t Get Fooled Again” with Gig Performer

How to play “Won’t Get Fooled Again” with Gig Performer

In this article we explain how to play "Won't Get Fooled Again" with Gig Performer (yes, there's a video of the complete process at the end of this article so don't be afraid to keep reading!). If you have been watching YouTube videos of people showing you how to play...

Using Loopback to send audio from one application to another

Using Loopback to send audio from one application to another

MacOS has a nice built-in feature called IAC (Inter-app Communication) that allows you to connect MIDI applications together and communicate with each other. (There's nothing built into Windows but there are third-party applications like virtualMIDI that do the same...

Predictive loading just saved my a– !

Predictive loading just saved my a– !

The Predictive Loading feature just saved my a-- !!! Seriously!   I'm getting ready to go on a tour in Japan with the Security Project. My main laptop is a 5 year old Macbook Pro with a 17" screen. It has 16Gb RAM and SSDs instead of hard drives for both speed and...

OSCulator – convert any input to any output

OSCulator – convert any input to any output

If you're on a Mac, there's a great app out there called OSCulator that can be used to transform pretty much any input to any output. For example, you can configure it to receive MIDI notes and have it send keystrokes (yes, that's right, as if you are typing) to an...

OSC Broadcast Mode

OSC Broadcast Mode

Gig Performer is an audio plugin host with extensive OSC support. When you normally configure OSC settings so that Gig Performer can communicate with your control surface such as Lemur or TouchOSC running on your iPad or Android tablet, you will generally specify the...

How to save a ton of memory if you’re using Kontakt

How to save a ton of memory if you’re using Kontakt

I love Kontakt! It was the key that allowed me to stop having to carry a Korg Kronos with me on tour along with my other controllers (I love the Kronos as well but it's so darn heavy.) If you load a Kontakt instrument, particularly one with a massive sample set such...

Audio latency, buffer size and sample rate explained

Audio latency, buffer size and sample rate explained

I hear the term "Latency" a lot when talking about audio processing. What does it really mean?How do you set your gear and Gig Performer to work for you, not against you? What is latency? It's simply the amount of time that passes between the sound being generated and...

Predictive Loading in Gig Performer

Predictive Loading in Gig Performer

We are very excited about a new feature introduced in Gig Performer 1.5. It's something we've wanted from the very beginning and it's something that we believe many people will really find incredibly useful. Normally, Gig Performer preloads all rackspaces, which...