Omnisphere supports a mode where it can load several sounds simultaneously so that you can switch from one to another with no delay and with the ability to leave the old sound audible until you release all notes. Of course, Gig Performer's Patch Persist™ facility...
How to create a tap-tempo button
In this article learn how to create a tap tempo button in various Gig Performer editions. Gig Performer supports Tap Tempo, the ability to measure a sequence of taps and calculate what should be the current BPM. When we first created that feature, we assumed that...
Using Recall Value On Load and Also recall on Activate widget options
By default, Gig Performer 3 saves the values of all widgets using a "last value saved" algorithm. So, when you change a widget value and save your gig, and afterward you reload your gig, that widget will have the same value. In some performance situations, you may not...
Rackspaces vs Program Changes
In this article we will compare rackspaces vs program changes as methods to change sounds.. Background .The normal way to use Gig Performer® is to create rackspaces each of which contains a collection of plugins connected together as desired. A rackspace might contain...