OSC Support in Gig Performer

Nov 9, 2016 | Knowledge Base Articles

Gig Performer includes a great OSC support. Widgets and plugins can respond to OSC commands from control surfaces and applications that can generate OSC messages.

Gig Performer and Lemur OSC support

OSC (Open Sound Control) is a protocol that can be used to control one application from another, with a particular focus on applications used by artists and performers. You can associate OSC names with plugins and widgets and then send messages to them from a remote device to control their operation. This allows you to create control surfaces with faders and buttons that can be adjusted to perform such operations as controlling the output volume of each plugin, adjust plugin parameters such as the cutoff filter of a softsynth. You can even send OSC messages to the Gig Performer that will cause it to play notes.

Well known products for the iPad or Android tablets include TouchOSC and Lemur. You can also use programming tools like MaxMSP to create very sophisticated applications that can also send OSC messages to Gig Performer.

To test Gig Performer’s OSC support you can try out our templates for TouchOSC and Lemur; click here for the Lemur template, and here for the Touch OSC template. Please refer to any of those tools or programs for more information.

Further reading:
How To Sync Gig Performer Instances Via OSC? (YouTube)
OSC Broadcast Mode
How to control your guitar or keyboard effects from a Web browser
Use your mobile phone to control your guitar or keyboard effects
Gig Performer as an OSC controller