

Applying operations to multiple widgets

Applying operations to multiple widgets

In this article you will learn about some workflow improvements, first introduced in Gig Performer 4.7, to apply different kinds of actions (operations, changing attributes, etc.) to multiple widgets. . 1. Map multiple widgets to the same plugin . First off, Gig...

Dealing with back-lined or rented keyboards

Dealing with back-lined or rented keyboards

Touring musicians who don't bring their own controllers and instead depend on the use of back-lined or rented keyboards sometimes run into a problem where Gig Performer doesn't work properly even though it was "just fine" when they rehearsed with their own...

Invoking GP Script functions from Timeline Actions

Invoking GP Script functions from Timeline Actions

In this blog article, you will learn how to Invoke GP Script functions from Timeline Actions. Gig Performer 4.7, released recently, includes a new Streaming Audio File Player that supports timelines and actions. That means that you can play a backing track and have...

How to temporarily block a widget

How to temporarily block a widget

The normal way to use widgets is to map them to plugin parameters and to optionally have them learn a MIDI message so you can control that widget from a knob, slider or button on a keyboard or other MIDI controller. However, in some rare cases, you might like to...

The Lemur and TouchOSC Templates

The Lemur and TouchOSC Templates

SiIn this article, we will provide you with some useful insights regarding the Lemur and TouchOSC templates and Gig Performer. If you're using Lemur or TouchOSC, we have created templates that make it easy to control Gig Performer widgets from these popular OSC apps....

How to set up MobileSheets on a PC with Gig Performer [guest article]

How to set up MobileSheets on a PC with Gig Performer [guest article]

In this guest article written by Gig Performer Community member @DennisT2022 you will learn how to set up MobileSheets to integrate it with Gig Performer. There are several posts in the community forum regarding MobileSheets, but there is no walk-through on how to...

How to set up live streaming using OBS, Gig Performer and JACK Router

How to set up live streaming using OBS, Gig Performer and JACK Router

In this article you will learn how to set up live streaming using OBS, Gig Performer and JACK Router. As we previously mentioned in this blog article, due to Gig Performer's stability, efficiency and feature-richness, it has found its way to being used for purposes...

Gig Performer Maintenance: Save, Export and Backup

Gig Performer Maintenance: Save, Export and Backup

In this blog article you will learn how to save and export various elements in Gig Performer, load and import them, and create a backup of your important files and the whole computer. The term "element" may refer to your panel, rackspace, song, widget curve, rig as...

Getting started with Gig Performer

Getting started with Gig Performer

If you have started your free trial of Gig Performer or you have just purchased it, this blog article is intended to provide you with various resources for getting started with Gig Performer as easily as possible. Thank you for your interest in Gig Performer®, our...

Still on Gig Performer 3? Key reasons to upgrade

Still on Gig Performer 3? Key reasons to upgrade

We still see Gig Performer 3 and even Gig Performer 2 users contacting us through our support channels. Most of them are looking for the upgrade options. In this article we want to share with you key reasons to upgrade to Gig Performer 4, answer frequently asked...

Cross-platform usage and moving from one platform to another

Cross-platform usage and moving from one platform to another

Gig Performer is an audio plugin host for live performance available for both Windows and macOS. In this article you will learn about cross-platform usage and some considerations when you are migrating from Windows to macOS or vice-versa. Gig Performer supports VST...

Separate your sustain pedal from your controller

Separate your sustain pedal from your controller

Although most MIDI controllers and many workstations have the ability to split their keyboards, when you’re using Gig Performer, the best practice is to use multiple MIDI In blocks as described in this blog article and to just leave your physical controller on a...