Play with Gig Performer Piano VST: host software in live use
Note: This is an English translation of a German article written by Lukas Ruschitzka that first appeared on July 23rd, 2019 in Play with Gig Performer Piano VST: host software in live use . Gig Performer is a cross-platform software VST host application for...
How to use the same set of PC messages to select parts in any song
In this article, we will show you how to use the same set of PC messages to select parts in any song. Background For users coming to Gig Performer from other audio plugin hosts, there is some confusion as to how to configure Gig Performer so you can use the same set...
Gig Performer is NOT a DAW!
Gig Performer is NOT a DAW! Gig Performer is an audio plugin host for live performance and session musicians, part of your instrument. Think of the main view of your DAW containing everything you need for a session as analogous to just one rackspace in Gig Performer....
The hidden power of the MIDI In Block
Gig Performer’s MIDI In block is not just your everyday block for receiving MIDI events. It can do much more than just receive MIDI messages from an external MIDI device and feed them to connected soft-synth plugins. It has important other functionality that often...
Updated Remote Control Lemur Template for Gig Performer 3
You can find the main article that also includes the updated remote control Lemur template here.------------------------- Among the many new features in Gig Performer 3 is the notion of songs and song parts. To complement this new functionality, the Lemur template has...
Gig Performer 3 with setlist support debuts at NAMM 2019
At this year’s NAMM show we will be debuting Version 3 of Gig Performer, our VST, VST3, AU live performance audio plug-in host for Mac and Windows systems. At the Anaheim Convention Center, January 24-27, live demonstrations of Gig Performer 3.0 will be presented at...
Use GPScript to bypass plugins automatically when volume is off
In this article, we'll show you how to use GPScript to bypass plugins automatically when volume is off in Gig Performer 3. Background Gig Performer is pretty efficient in terms of CPU cycles but sometimes plugins use up a lot of cycles even when they're (apparently)...
Gig Performer and JamOrigin’s MIDI Guitar 2 plugin
Jam Origin's MIDI Guitar 2 plugin is a wonderful plugin if you need to convert your guitar sound into MIDI. Background MIDI Guitar is a revolutionary piece of software that converts your guitars analog audio signal into a digital MIDI signal. This makes it possible to...
Why we created Gig Performer
In this article, you will learn why we created Gig Performer. We needed it ourselves! The short answer is we needed it ourselves! The long answer is, well, much longer, so read on. Background Although I was using various MIDI sequencers and DAWs since the 80s, I only...
How does Gig Performer Compare?
Every audio plugin host has its strengths and weaknesses. In the table below - we try to compare Gig Performer® with the most common, comparable audio plugin hosts on macOS and Windows platforms. This page is updated on 2024-06-19 per relevant product user manuals; if...
Side-chaining – really easy with Gig Performer
You may be wondering how to implement side-chaining in your audio plugin host. Quick answer: if you’re using Gig Performer, it’s pretty trivial. Note: At the time of writing this article, we used Gig Performer 3. However, the same concept applies to more recent...
How to change programs in Gig Performer if you can only send Note messages
We recently got a question from a user who wanted to be able to switch rackspaces and variations using Note messages on a Novation Launchpad. The Launchpad only produces MIDI Note messages, but Gig Performer expects Program Change MIDI events. What to do? Important...