In this article, we will show you how to record Gig Performer's outputs via Gig Performer's Record feature on Windows.. Important note .Starting from v4.5, Gig Performer can record both inputs and outputs channels. Check our user manual or watch this video to learn...
Gig Performer Blog
Can I run Gig Performer on a very old laptop? [guest article]
I see these kinds of questions across the Internet, because users want to know if they can use their old laptop for gigging or to see how well Gig Performer does work with fewer resources. Computer specification These are the main reasons I decided to write this...
How to leverage other DAWs’ proprietary plugins from Gig Performer
n this article, we will show you how to leverage other DAWs' proprietary plugins from Gig Performer. . Introduction . Many DAWs come with their own collection of proprietary plugins. As an end user, I generally never use proprietary plugins because doing so locks one...
Gig Performer as an OSC controller
In this article, we will show you how to use Gig Performer as an OSC controller Gig Performer is an audio plugin host for live performance and session musicians. But you don’t have to use Gig Performer just for music! We know that Gig Performer’s primary purpose is to...
Guitar rigs – Computer-based vs. hardware-based
In this article, we will compare guitar rigs: computer-based vs. hardware-based. . Background .One of the most often asked questions I hear from guitarists is Why would I use VSTs (plugins) and a computer for my guitar rig? They typically argue that computers are: -...
Recording your Gig Performer performance with a DAW
At some point, you may be interested in recording your Gig Performer performance with a DAW.. Background .Gig Performer is designed to be a very flexible audio plugin host to allow you not only to create your sounds but also to perform, in real time, on stage or in a...
Gig Performer is not a plugin chainer
Gig Performer is not a plugin chainer. Gig Performer is an audio plugin host for live performance and session musicians, the part of your instrument. It looks like this or it looks like that... . ….therefore it is the same as this or the same as that! My bicycle has...
Gig Performer Way vs. The Channel Strip Way
In this article, we will show you Gig Performer Way vs. The Channel Strip Way. Gig Performer users praise our visual "connect anything to anything else" approach. They find it simple and easy to modify and follow what's going on. This is especially important for live...
Gig Performer and Mac Catalina (OS X 10.15)
macOS Catalina (version 10.15) is the sixteenth major release of macOS, Apple Inc.'s desktop operating system for Macintosh computers. It is the successor to macOS Mojave. It is the first version of macOS to support only 64-bit applications. Update October 2024: Gig...
Best Practices for deploying VST plugins on Windows
In this guest blog article, you will learn about the best practices for deploying VST plugins on Windows. Guest post by Gig Performer user Jim Erwin— Keyboard player with The Suburbans . Best Practices (okay... my practices) for deploying VST Plugins on Windows .I've...
Using SampleRobot to import sounds from proprietary plugins to a sampler for use with Gig Performer
In this article we will show you how to use SampleRobot to import sounds from proprietary plugins to a sampler for use with Gig Performer. Important note: Gig Performer version 4.7 which was released in August 2019, has its own powerful built-in Auto Sampler feature....
My plugin has so many output ports – which ones do I use?
Input and output ports in Gig Performer blocks . If you’re already a Gig Performer user, you know that you can easily route audio and MIDI between AU (Mac only), VST3 and VST plugins by just connecting them visually. However, you may have wondered why some plugin...