by David Jameson | Jan 24, 2018 | Gig Performer Blog, GP2 New Features
A much requested feature in Gig Performer was an Audio Mixer, a multi-channel gain control plugin. Instead of creating separate gain controls after each synth plugin, you could use a single plugin to control the gain of multiple plugins. Our plugin comes in 4ch (two...
by David Jameson | Jan 24, 2018 | Gig Performer Blog, GP2 New Features
Gig Performer ships with a built-in programming language GPScript that can be used to develop very sophisticated behavior for live performance. . The Motive . GPScript gives Gig Performer some “open endedness”, providing the ability to add features that...
by David Jameson | Nov 9, 2017 | Knowledge Base Articles, OS X
If you see the prompt that a Gig Performer update/upgrade is available but the update fails to install, perhaps with a message such as, “Something went wrong”, then there is most likely a permissions problem on your computer which is preventing the program to update....
by David Jameson | Oct 31, 2017 | Gig Performer Blog, Knowledge Base Articles, MS Windows, OS X
In this article, you will learn how to toggle MIDI plugins on/off in the same rackspace without getting stuck notes Gig Performer allows you to distinguish between NoteOn and NoteOff events in our MIDI Filter plugin: Why is this interesting? Well, turns out it gives...
by David Jameson | Oct 25, 2017 | Gig Performer Blog, Knowledge Base Articles, Tutorials
By default, Gig Performer 3 saves the values of all widgets using a “last value saved” algorithm. So, when you change a widget value and save your gig, and afterward you reload your gig, that widget will have the same value. In some performance situations,...