My live keyboard rig

My live keyboard rig

I (David) have often been asked to describe my live keyboard rig which I use with the three bands in which I play: The Security Project Beyond The Wall Reelin’ In The Years . Keyboards . I have four keyboard controllers: Studio Logic SL88 (88 notes weighted) Roland...

The MIDI Channel Constrainer

The MIDI Channel Constrainer

The MIDI Channel Constrainer is a plugin that allows you to set the MIDI input channel that is allowed through, remap the input channel to another channel, or block all MIDI traffic that goes through this plugin. You can learn more about this plugin block in the User...

Using MIDI OSC blocks to send MIDI to the Global Rackspace

Using MIDI OSC blocks to send MIDI to the Global Rackspace

As of the time of writing, Gig Performer 4 does not support sending MIDI messages from a rackspace to the Global Rackspace or vice versa, you can only send audio data. Although a future version will most likely add this support (legal caveat - no guarantees), there...

How to create keyboard and velocity splits

How to create keyboard and velocity splits

In this article we'll show you how to create keyboard splits and velocity splits in Gig Performer. Gig Performer is an audio plugin host for live performance that allows musicians to create sophisticated setups and fully express their artistic needs. Whether you want...

How to create a custom metronome with visual feedback

How to create a custom metronome with visual feedback

In this article we explain how to create a custom metronome with visual feedback using the System Actions plugin. Introduction . The System Actions plugin is one of the new built-in plugins in Gig Performer 4. This plugin allows you to control various Gig Performer...

What are Temporary Startup Options in Gig Performer

What are Temporary Startup Options in Gig Performer

The Temporary Startup Options dialog allows you to change certain settings when you first open Gig Performer. Changes in this dialog will not be permanent When you start Gig Performer again, all changes will be reverted to your existing preferences. To invoke this...

Converting PDF files for use with Gig Performer ChordPro

Converting PDF files for use with Gig Performer ChordPro

In this article, you will learn about converting PDF files for use with Gig Performer ChordPro. Background . The ChordPro/Lyric window in Gig Performer does not yet have built-in support for viewing PDF files. However, since it does support images, a workaround is to...

Controlling the RJM GT Mastermind from Gig Performer

Controlling the RJM GT Mastermind from Gig Performer

Background .The RJM GT Mastermind pedal controllers are MIDI pedalboards with a collection of buttons above which are little text displays. The normal way to use this pedal board is to create your banks using their software and define what information each button...

Music software has failed you and here is why

Music software has failed you and here is why

In this article, Brett Pontecorvo explains how music software has failed live performers. Tools created for recording music are used to perform live music, which is not ideal. .Background The purpose of DAWs is to make recording music faster, easier, and cheaper than...