Gig Performer is designed to be a very flexible audio plugin host to allow you not only to create your sounds but also to perform, in real time, on stage or in a studio. We’re not talking about playing 8 bars with one sound, stopping to switch sounds, and playing...
Gig Performer and Mac Catalina (OS X 10.15)
Gig Performer is notarized by Apple and can be opened in Catalina. As of version 3.6, Gig Performer itself runs perfectly fine in Catalina. You will most likely be prompted to allow access to the Microphone and you must allow this. The prompt is a little bit...
After installing an updated AU plugin, Gig Performer doesn’t find it
Gig Performer is an audio plugin host that supports AudioUnit (AU) plugins, VST3 and VST plugins. AU plugins are Mac-only: Generally, if you install or update an Audio Unit plugin, you have to log out or possibly even reboot your computer before the updated AU becomes...
No sound or guitar audio is not coming into Gig Performer on Mojave or Catalina
If you’re running macOS Mojave (10.14) or newer (e.g, Catalina, 10.15), you need to give Gig Performer permission to use the microphone (I know - you’re using an audio interface, not the microphone, sigh) otherwise no audio will be received by Gig Performer. The first...
Installed plugin does not show up in Gig Performer
Depending on how particular AU, VST3 or VST plugins needed to be activated, it may be the case that the Gig Performer's plugin scanner was unable to validate them. There are four main reasons this might happen: The plugin is proprietary, The plugin is 32-bit, The...
Gig Performer and JamOrigin’s MIDI Guitar 2 plugin
MIDI Guitar 2 from Jam Origin is a wonderful plugin if you need to convert your guitar sound into MIDI and subsequently to any sound you want limited only by your collection of instrument plugins. I have been using both MIDI Guitar 1 and 2. We were recently in touch...
Side-chaining – really easy with Gig Performer
You may be wondering how to implement side-chaining in your audio plugin host. Quick answer: if you’re using Gig Performer, it’s pretty trivial. I never used side chaining myself. In fact I wasn’t even sure what it was for a long time. But I got forced into finding...
How to change programs in Gig Performer if you can only send Note messages
We recently got a question from a user who wanted to be able to switch rackspaces and variations using a Novation Launchpad. However, that product only produces MIDI Note Events but Gig Performer expects Program Change MIDI events so what do you do? Important note:...
Gig Performer seems to hang on some rackspaces after installing The Legend – solved
(Updated: May 20th, 2018) Synapse has released a new version of The Legend that fixes this issue. Please make sure you are running at least version 1.22 of The Legend. A customer recently reported that Gig Performer was hanging on his Mac when certain rackspaces were...
The upgrade has been aborted – cannot update Gig Performer
If you have been prompted that a Gig Performer update/upgrade is available but the update fails to install, perhaps with a message such as, “Something went wrong”, then there is most likely a permissions problem on your computer which is preventing the program from...
Toggle MIDI plugins on/off in the same rackspace without getting stuck notes
Although we're really busy working on Gig Performer 2.x (more on that later), we put out a minor update to Gig Performer 1.x today where it's now possible to distinguish between NoteOn and NoteOff events in our MIDI Filter plugin: Why is this interesting? Well, turns...
All gig files gone after update – Gig Performer also rescanned all plugins
A customer, understandably panicked, contacted us to report that after installing the latest update, when he ran Gig Performer he just got an empty rackspace. Also, Gig Performer started a complete scan of his VST and AudioUnit plugins as if they had never been seen...