

How to control your guitar or keyboard effects from a Web browser

How to control your guitar or keyboard effects from a Web browser

In this article I’ll show you how to control your guitar or keyboard effects (or any other instrument effects) by using a Web browser on any computer, laptop, smartphone or device, and OSC in Gig Performer. Previous blog articles covered proprietary applications for...

Use your mobile phone to control your guitar or keyboard effects

Use your mobile phone to control your guitar or keyboard effects

In this article I'll show you how to use your Android mobile phone or tablet to control your guitar or keyboard effects (or any other instrument effects) by using OSC in Gig Performer. Gig Performer, our audio plugin host for live performance, supports full OSC...

How to leverage other DAWs’ proprietary plugins from Gig Performer

How to leverage other DAWs’ proprietary plugins from Gig Performer

Introduction Many DAWs come with their own collection of proprietary plugins. As an end user, I generally never use proprietary plugins because doing so locks one into a particular eco-system and also makes it difficult to collaborate with other musicians who have a...

Gig Performer as an OSC controller

Gig Performer as an OSC controller

Gig Performer is an audio plugin host for live performance and session musicians, but you don’t have to use Gig Performer just for music! Although Gig Performer’s primary purpose is as a plugin host (AU, VST3, VST host) for live performing musicians, due to its...

Recording your Gig Performer performance with a DAW

Recording your Gig Performer performance with a DAW

Gig Performer is designed to be a very flexible audio plugin host to allow you not only to create your sounds but also to perform, in real time, on stage or in a studio. We’re not talking about playing 8 bars with one sound, stopping to switch sounds, and playing...

My plugin has so many output ports – which ones do I use?

My plugin has so many output ports – which ones do I use?

Input and output ports in Gig Performer blocks . If you’re already a Gig Performer user, you know that you can easily route audio and MIDI between AU (Mac only), VST3 and VST plugins by just connecting them visually. However, you may have wondered why some plugin...

How to use the same set of PC messages to select parts in any song

How to use the same set of PC messages to select parts in any song

For users coming to Gig Performer from other audio plugin hosts, there is some confusion as to how to configure Gig Performer so you can use the same set of Program Change (PC) or Control Change (CC) messages for different parts of a song, no matter what song you’re...

How to stop Gig Performer from automatically loading the last gig file

How to stop Gig Performer from automatically loading the last gig file

It's usually convenient to have Gig Performer load the last gig file automatically at startup and there's a general option that controls this behavior. However, occasionally you may need to temporarily prevent automatic gig file loading. One reason is because you do...

Use GPScript to bypass plugins automatically when volume is off

Use GPScript to bypass plugins automatically when volume is off

Gig Performer is pretty efficient in terms of CPU cycles but sometimes plugins use up a lot of cycles even when they're (apparently) not doing anything. In a traditional channel strip model, it's pretty straight forward to automatically bypass plugins when the channel...

Side-chaining – really easy with Gig Performer

Side-chaining – really easy with Gig Performer

You may be wondering how to implement side-chaining in your audio plugin host. Quick answer: if you’re using Gig Performer, it’s pretty trivial. I never used side chaining myself. In fact I wasn’t even sure what it was for a long time. But I got forced into finding...

Controlling Omnisphere in Live Mode

Controlling Omnisphere in Live Mode

Omnisphere supports a mode where it can load several sounds simultaneously so that you can switch from one to another with no delay and with the ability to leave the old sound audible until you release all notes. Of course, Gig Performer's Patch Persist™ facility...