

How to manually refresh all widgets mapped to a plugin’s parameters

How to manually refresh all widgets mapped to a plugin’s parameters

Gig Performer 4.7 includes a new neat feature that allows you to manually refresh all widgets mapped to a plugin's parameters. Broadcasting parameter changes to a host . When you change a factory preset of a plugin, the whole plugin state is reloaded; as a rule of...

Dealing with back-lined or rented keyboards

Dealing with back-lined or rented keyboards

Touring musicians who don't bring their own controllers and instead depend on the use of back-lined or rented keyboards sometimes run into a problem where Gig Performer doesn't work properly even though it was "just fine" when they rehearsed with their own...

How to temporarily block a widget

How to temporarily block a widget

The normal way to use widgets is to map them to plugin parameters and to optionally have them learn a MIDI message so you can control that widget from a knob, slider or button on a keyboard or other MIDI controller. However, in some rare cases, you might like to...

Gig Performer Maintenance: Save, Export and Backup

Gig Performer Maintenance: Save, Export and Backup

In this blog article you will learn how to save and export various elements in Gig Performer, load and import them, and create a backup of your important files and the whole computer. The term "element" may refer to your panel, rackspace, song, widget curve, rig as...

Cross-platform usage and moving from one platform to another

Cross-platform usage and moving from one platform to another

Gig Performer is an audio plugin host for live performance available for both Windows and macOS. In this article you will learn about cross-platform usage and some considerations when you are migrating from Windows to macOS or vice-versa. How to keep gig files...

Tips to troubleshoot your computer-based setup

Tips to troubleshoot your computer-based setup

If you are experiencing issues with your computer-based setup, this article will help you to troubleshoot it. The goal of every performing musician is to have a glitch-free and reliable setup for their gigs. If things start to go awry, don't worry - we have compiled...

How to make various elements of Gig Performer bigger

How to make various elements of Gig Performer bigger

In this article you will learn how to make various elements of Gig Performer bigger and making them suitable for smaller displays, touch screen devices or simply tweaking options to better match your preferences. The first two tips that will be presented are...

How to remember the global transpose between gigs

How to remember the global transpose between gigs

If you would like a particular gig file to always start with the global transpose set to some non-zero value, there’s a very easy way to do this 1. Insert a widget in your Global rackspace 2. Insert a System Actions plugin in your Global rackspace 3. Map the widget to...

Working with panels and widgets

Working with panels and widgets

In this article you will learn about panels and widgets and useful tips for designing your panels. Before we start, if necessary, please check out these user manual topics to become familiar with Panels, Widgets and other basic terms in Gig Performer. Some musicians...

Clever ways to optimize your plugin usage

Clever ways to optimize your plugin usage

In this article you will learn about tips and tricks to optimize your plugin usage. Tips compiled in this article are based on independent tips that can be found in our community by users who wanted to tweak their setups and reduce even more their CPU and/or RAM...

How to implement incremental transpose

How to implement incremental transpose

Suppose you’d like to have a couple of buttons on your MIDI controller that just increment or decrement the global transpose amount. Important note: Gig Performer 4.5 has built-in support to do this. Please check the GlobalTransposeUp and GlobalTransposeDown...

Controlling the global transpose from your keyboard

Controlling the global transpose from your keyboard

Gig Performer has a global transpose parameter, normally set to zero. You can of course manually adjust the global transpose by clicking on it and entering a new transpose value directly or by using the UP/DOWN arrows to increment/decrement respectively the global...