
Gig Performer Blog

How to improve the sound quality of instruments in your MIDI files

How to improve the sound quality of instruments in your MIDI files

In this article you will learn how to improve the sound quality of instruments in your MIDI files and get some ideas as to what to try further. We will also highlight some caveats. As members of many forums and Facebook groups, we often see music makers complaining...

Ways to send program changes to external synths

Ways to send program changes to external synths

If you have a mixed environment – a combination of hardware synths and software plugins – you probably want to be able to send PC events to your external synths as you switch from one song to another. There are quite a few ways to accomplish this.

Retrospective — 2023 Year-in-review

Retrospective — 2023 Year-in-review

In this article we will take a look at 2023 and briefly summarize some of useful features, activities and things that stood out during the year. New massive Gig Performer features As some of you may know, in August, 2023, after many months of active development, we...

How to manually refresh all widgets mapped to a plugin’s parameters

How to manually refresh all widgets mapped to a plugin’s parameters

Gig Performer 4.7 includes a new neat feature that allows you to manually refresh all widgets mapped to a plugin's parameters. Broadcasting parameter changes to a host . When you change a factory preset of a plugin, the whole plugin state is reloaded; as a rule of...

Wait, what plugin did I use for that sound?

Wait, what plugin did I use for that sound?

Most players have run into this problem. Over time, we create lots of sounds for different songs. Further, we spend time meticulously tweaking a plugin to get it just right and then save a plugin preset. Then, a few months later, you need that sound, but wait....what...

Applying operations to multiple widgets

Applying operations to multiple widgets

In this article you will learn about some workflow improvements, first introduced in Gig Performer 4.7, to apply different kinds of actions (operations, changing attributes, etc.) to multiple widgets. . 1. Map multiple widgets to the same plugin . First off, Gig...

Dealing with back-lined or rented keyboards

Dealing with back-lined or rented keyboards

Touring musicians who don't bring their own controllers and instead depend on the use of back-lined or rented keyboards sometimes run into a problem where Gig Performer doesn't work properly even though it was "just fine" when they rehearsed with their own...

Invoking GP Script functions from Timeline Actions

Invoking GP Script functions from Timeline Actions

In this blog article, you will learn how to Invoke GP Script functions from Timeline Actions. Gig Performer 4.7, released recently, includes a new Streaming Audio File Player that supports timelines and actions. That means that you can play a backing track and have...

How to temporarily block a widget

How to temporarily block a widget

The normal way to use widgets is to map them to plugin parameters and to optionally have them learn a MIDI message so you can control that widget from a knob, slider or button on a keyboard or other MIDI controller. However, in some rare cases, you might like to...

The Lemur and TouchOSC Templates

The Lemur and TouchOSC Templates

SiIn this article, we will provide you with some useful insights regarding the Lemur and TouchOSC templates and Gig Performer. If you're using Lemur or TouchOSC, we have created templates that make it easy to control Gig Performer widgets from these popular OSC apps....

How to set up MobileSheets on a PC with Gig Performer [guest article]

How to set up MobileSheets on a PC with Gig Performer [guest article]

In this guest article written by Gig Performer Community member @DennisT2022 you will learn how to set up MobileSheets to integrate it with Gig Performer. There are several posts in the community forum regarding MobileSheets, but there is no walk-through on how to...