
MS Windows

What Brainspawn Forte Users Should Know About Gig Performer

What Brainspawn Forte Users Should Know About Gig Performer

Guest blog written by Greg Nelson . Shortly after the turn of the current century, I started to experiment with Virtual Studio Technology, and was very impressed with various software emulations of organs and synthesizers, and sampled pianos. I started to explore the...

After updating Gig Performer, some of my plugins were not found

After updating Gig Performer, some of my plugins were not found

Scenario: Gig Performer is running fine on your Windows computer and a Gig Performer update becomes available - but before you update, you uninstall your current version or an automatic third-party uninstaller removes all references to Gig Performer. Don't do that! We...

Use host automation rather than MIDI to control plugin parameters

Use host automation rather than MIDI to control plugin parameters

If you're trying to control a plugin parameter directly from your physical hardware, you may be tempted to use the audio plugin's MIDI mechanism, possibly because that's all that was available to you before you started using Gig Performer. However if you're using Gig...

How to sync Gig Performer to an external MIDI Clock

How to sync Gig Performer to an external MIDI Clock

As of version 1.6, Gig Performer can sync to an external MIDI clock, adjusting tempo automatically based on the rate at which MIDI clock events are received. Note: there is a new blog article that covers Gig Performer 4 and tempo synchronization. Check out this link...

Using Loopback to send audio from one application to another

Using Loopback to send audio from one application to another

MacOS has a nice built-in feature called IAC (Inter-app Communication) that allows you to connect MIDI applications together and communicate with each other. (There's nothing built into Windows but there are third-party applications like virtualMIDI that do the same...

How to tell Gig Performer the location of your plugins

How to tell Gig Performer the location of your plugins

In the Windows world, audio plugin developers are free to install their plugins anywhere. So for Gig Performer to find them, you have to tell it in which folders to look. To do this, follow these steps: Open the Plugin Manager, which can be found under the Window menu...

The signature of Gig Performer setup for Windows is corrupt or invalid

The signature of Gig Performer setup for Windows is corrupt or invalid

Depending on your settings, when you try to install Gig Performer on Windows, you may see a dialog one or more of the following: The publisher could not be verified. Are you sure you want to run this software This file does not have a valid digital signature that...

Green Oak Crystal – parameter list is empty

Green Oak Crystal – parameter list is empty

Turns out it's not! What has happened is that the Crystal synth plugin defines about 768 parameters but only a few of them are actually used. The rest are simply unnamed, so have empty strings. Since Gig Performer only has a small area where plugin parameters are...